Sermons on the Church
The image above is the building of the Upper Spencer church of Christ where my father preached and where I spent many a Sunday as a small kid.
Can You Be Saved in a Denomination?
Challenges Confronting the Church
Characteristics of a Shepherdless Church
Do We Really Need the Church? (Part One)
Do We Really Need the Church? (Part Two)
Does It Really Matter if We Use Instrumental Music in Worship?
Follow the Leader | A Look at Elders
“God Didn’t Say I Can’t Use Instrumental Music in Worship!”
How to Resurrect the Gospel Meeting
Identifying Marks of the New Testament Church
Introducing Churches of Christ
Is Instrumental Music in Worship Simply an Aid?
Is One Church as Good as Another?
Should We Fellowship with Denominations?
The Church as the Bride of Christ
The History of Instrumental Music in Worship
The Use of Instrumental Music in the Old Testament
Tough Love | A Look at Disfellowship | Part One
Tough Love | A Look at Disfellowship | Part Two
What a Godly Church Wants the Elders to Know about the Church
What Elders Wish the Church Knew
What God Thinks about the Church
What Should I Say When I Evangelize?
What’s Being a Missionary All About?
Working as a Shepherd | The Responsibility of the Elders to the Church
Working as Sheep | The Responsibility of the Church to the Elders