Welcome! This site is a celebration of freedom—freedom in Christ and freedom in the United States of America. Every Christian has freedom no other group of individuals enjoys—freedom from sin, freedom from guilt, freedom from the fear of death, and freedom from hell. The United States is a bastion of freedom in a world which has all too often been ruled by tyrants. Our Founding Fathers, breaking from the tyrannous George III, established a nation—under the auspices of God himself (Rom 13:1)—where freedom has been allowed to thrive.
This site seeks to pay homage to both these enormous blessings of freedom—throughout my blog, there are devotional materials and plain biblical teaching; under my sermons page, I am compiling every sermon outline I’ve preached over the years; and, in the blog, I currently post the latest news from the U.S. military, those who put their lives on the line to preserve our American freedoms. When I first started this blog, I wrote about my struggles with Dystonia, a rare neurological condition which causes uncontrollable muscle spasms. I still struggle with neurological issues every day of my life, but there’s freedom in Christ, and I’ve chosen to take a break from talking about such issues. That doesn’t mean I’ll never occasionally write about those issues in the future.
Take a look around. May God bless each of you!