Expository Sermons on Genesis

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Expository Sermons on the Book Commonly Called Genesis

The Book of Genesis was aptly named by the translators of the Septuagint, for the book records the beginning of all that is–the physical universe & the plan of God. In Genesis, man learns of his own creation in the likeness of God. He also learns the beginning of God’s redemptive work when sin shatters the pristine environment of the Garden. The book informs the reader of the genesis of the people of God as God calls Abraham and begins the work of bringing the Christ into the world.

Book of Genesis from Various Versions of the Holy Scriptures

Genesis and Theistic Evolution

The First Seven Days (Genesis 1:1-5)

Creation’s Voice (Genesis 1:1-5)

It Was Good (Genesis 1:1-27)

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:15-17)

Two Become One (Genesis 2:18-24)

The Perfect Match (Genesis 2:18-25)

When Satan Twisted Scripture (Genesis 3:1)

The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1-7)

Falling from Grace (Genesis 3:1-24)

When Eve Made Herself God (Genesis 3:4-5)

The Consequences Adam and Eve Faced for Their Disobedience (Genesis 3:6-24)

Sibling Rivalry (Genesis 4:1-16)

God Took Him (Genesis 5:21-24)

It’s Gonna Rain (Genesis 6:5-22)

Confusion (Genesis 11:1-9)

Under Construction (Genesis 11:1-9)

At Odds with God (Genesis 11:1-9)

Exploring New Direction (Genesis 12:1-4)

What Lying Can Do for You (Genesis 12:10-20)

Families in Conflict (Genesis 13:5-13)

Count the Stars (Genesis 15:1-6)

The Promise of Children (Genesis 15:1-6)

Father Abraham (Genesis 17:1-8)

Laughing at God (Genesis 18:9-15)

World’s Best Dad (Genesis 18:16-19)

An Obedient Father (Genesis 22:1-8)

Passing the Test (Genesis 22:1-14)

Expecting to Obey (Genesis 22:1-19)

Sleeping on the Promises (Genesis 28:10-15)

Striving with God (Genesis 32:22-32)

True Forgiveness (Genesis 45:1-15)

Finding Family Forgiveness (Genesis 45:1-15)

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