Sermon on Genesis 1:1-27 | It Was Good

Planet Earth

It Was Good (Genesis 1:1-27)

Many college professors destroy the faith of their students. This morning we want to examine the biblical account of Creation.

Throughout the narrative, we are told God’s creation “was good.” How was this creation good? Every created thing was good in that it was beneficial to man. Let’s examine and see how good this creation was.

God Created the Earth, vv 1-5

The Scriptures affirm that God created the earth. He did so “in the beginning.” Matter has not always existed–it was created. This is the beginning of time. God actually created. What exists does not stand here as some accident. God planned everything that is.

The earth was without form and void. We know that planets form from gaseous clouds. As the gases cool, the planet becomes solid. This text perfectly harmonizes with that knowledge.

God created light. God spoke light into existence. God’s spoken word has power-everything was created just like God said. Our God is a powerful God. God named the light and the darkness. God had the right to name everything as he saw fit. The fact that God named everything shows his authority over creation.

Modern science says the Universe had a beginning.

  • The Big Bang Theory supports this. The Universe is growing apart the same in all directions. If we go back in time, we come to a point where all the matter in the Universe was contracted to a single point. At this point, nothing existed. Nothing existed before the Big Bang. The Big Bang Theory implies that the Universe came from nothing.
  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics supports this. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that everything in a closed system runs down and eventually quits. If the Universe is eternal, everything in it should have ran down by now.

God Created the Animals, vv 20-25

God created a whole host of animals. Every animal which exists was created by God. God saw that animals filling the earth was good–it was beneficial.

They each were created according to their own kind.

Modern science supports this biblical account.

  • The Law of Biogenesis supports this. This law states that life arises only from existing life–life does not develop from non-living matter. Martin A. Moe in Science Digest, Dec. ‘81 said, “A century of sensational discoveries in the biological sciences has taught us that life arises only from life.”
  • What we know about mutations supports this. Common evolutionary thinking is that mutations helped the evolutionary process. However, mutations do not take species further from their starting point. Genes actually prevent great mutations from taking place. Genes will occasionally allow small changes to take place. Yet, they only allow changes to occur within certain limits, and those limits cannot be crossed.

God Created Man, vv 26-28

God created man in his image. There are ways that man is like God–God has an intellect, a will; he is eternal. Being made in God’s likeness adds value to human life (Ps. 8:5).

God gave man dominion over all created thing. Man is higher than other created things. Man is the “apex” of the Creation.

God created man male and female. God created men and women different. God gave us different roles. We need to understand and fulfill those roles.

God created sexuality. Therefore, God has a right to speak concerning sexuality. Therefore, we need to keep ourselves pure.

God told man to be fruitful and multiply. God created human reproduction. Many speak as though children are a burden. Yet, children was God’s plan. God intended couples to have children.


What God did in creating the heavens and the earth is amazing.

The same power that made this world can make us a “new creation” in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). Do you need to become that new creation?

This sermon was originally preached by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr., at the Owingsville church of Christ in Owingsville, Kentucky.

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