Minor Medical Procedures

Today’s post is the first guest post that we’ve published on And He Walked With Me. My friend and mentor Dr. Bill Bagents offers some thoughts about a small medical procedure he recently had. I appreciate Bill’s wise insights. Because of my brother’s recent bypasses, my doctor expressed strong interest in having my heart checked. […]

2016 Resolutions

2016 Resolutions I absolutely hate the first two weeks of January. When I go to the gym, parking places are hard to find, the locker room is absolutely full, and the pool is more crowded than usual. Everyone and his brother has decided that he is going to get healthy in the new year – […]

2016 Predictions

2016 Predictions A New Year. 366 days (Leap Year) of opportunity and promise. 366 days to become more and more what God wants us to be. 366 days to share the love of God with those who do not know Him. I’ve been thinking about the next 366 days, and I want to make some […]

Annus Horribilis

Annus Horribilis On November 24, 1992, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II attended a banquet at Guildhall to mark the 40th anniversary of her accession. The Queen gave a speech and she famously said, “1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure. In the words of one of my more […]


Vacation Vacation. Yep, I’ve been on one for a little while now – I haven’t posted here since December 17. The weekend after the 17th was full and fun and then we headed to my wife’s parents for a few days before Christmas, we arrived at my parents’ home late on Christmas Eve, and we […]