The Lord’s Discipline

The Lord’s Discipline Today is part four of a conversation about pain from a biblical viewpoint. Yesterday, we talked about Paul’s thorn in the flesh and how that thorn created humility in his life. Today, we’ll explore a similar theme and think about how the Lord’s discipline is beneficial to us. A few years ago, […]

The Humble Apostle

The Humble Apostle Today is part three of a conversation about pain from a biblical viewpoint. Today, we’re going to explore how Paul’s thorn in the flesh was beneficial. Years ago, Mom and Dad went to someone’s house for supper. Our hosts had children and after supper, my brothers, our friends, and I began running […]

Thorn in the Flesh

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh Today is part two of a conversation about pain from a biblical viewpoint. Today, we’re going to explore what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was not. Sometimes I’m amazed at how I have blindly believed things I was taught as a kid. I don’t mean any disrespect to either my […]

A Little Four-Letter Word

A Little Four-Letter Word While attending International Bible College, I had a dear friend, a suitemate from another part of the country, regularly use a four-letter word that my parents would never have permitted me to use. The more I interacted with this friend and with others raised in the region from which he came […]

Why Follow a Disability Blog?

Why Follow a Disability Blog? You have no serious health issues. You don’t live with pain every moment you’re awake. You can walk across the floor with ease. You don’t pray as you’re running to the bathroom that you don’t wet all over yourself. You don’t take a handful of pills. You don’t talk with […]