Joy to the World

Joy to the World My wife and kids hate me. Well, maybe that’s not entirely true – they just hate me this time of the year. You see, I love Christmas carols. A local station plays nothing but Christmas music from Thanksgiving to Christmas; if we’re traveling anywhere, we listen to those Christmas carols. I […]


Example With my disability, I’ve had to give over mowing the yard to my boys. I hate that – I really enjoy mowing and the boys just do not mow as I would like (this summer I was embarrassed to death by my yard, but the boys did the best they could to help Papa, […]

Divine Providence

Divine Providence Randy Imel. Tammy McKinney. Dr. Joseph Ferrara. Cathy Lee. Charles Coil. Gerald Watts. Dr. Bill Bagents. Daniel Boone Lee. Harold Jones. Joe Tate. If you know the narrative of Joseph, you know the providence of God. God had promised Abraham that through his seed the Messiah would come, but a great famine was […]

Faith, Part Two

Faith, Part Two This is the second part of a discussion on faith. Yesterday, I discussed how we can come to a firm faith in the Lord Jesus Christ – by spending time in the Word of God. Yes, I believe it is that simple: John wrote his Gospel in order to build faith that […]

Faith, Part One

I’m continuing to give thanks to God for His bountiful blessings. Today, I begin a two-part series thanking God for the blessing of faith. Today, I discuss how faith is a gift of God (please, please, please, read this entire blog post before writing me up in some bulletin article somewhere for teaching Calvinism – […]