Praying for the Disabled

Praying for the Disabled When someone is facing adversity in life, some well-meaning sibling in Christ may respond, “I wish I could so something to help – well, at least I can pray for you.” Please, please, please, never say that to me. I absolutely hate, despise, and abhor that response. That response, whether intentional […]

Giving When You Have Nothing to Give

Giving When You Have Nothing to Give I recently wrote about how the Lord’s Supper has taken on a new meaning since I started having physical limitations. Where I worship, we collect the offering immediately after we conclude the Eucharist. At one time, I gave more than I currently do, for times were more financially […]

A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Separate water fountains. Separate doors. Separate seating on buses. Separate restaurants. Separate schools. Lynchings. Hatred. Police brutality. Slurs. Church bombings. Burning crosses. I know African-Americans were treated with great brutality and hatred, but, for the life of me, I cannot fathom why. Simply because someone’s skin color […]

Not a Burden

Not a Burden Yesterday, I wrote about what congregations can do to help disabled persons. I appreciate the kind feedback you gave. If I were to give any advice to churches on how to help disabled persons, I’d give a simple answer: “Serve.” That’s it. Serve. Serve like Jesus. Serve with a humble heart. Serve […]