2016 Predictions


2016 Predictions

A New Year. 366 days (Leap Year) of opportunity and promise. 366 days to become more and more what God wants us to be. 366 days to share the love of God with those who do not know Him.

I’ve been thinking about the next 366 days, and I want to make some predictions for the upcoming year.

  1. God will hear and answer prayer.
  2. Regardless of who is elected President, Jesus will be King!
  3. The blood of Jesus will forgive sin.
  4. Faithful gospel preachers will hold forth the truth of God.
  5. The Bible will have the answers to the world’s problems.
  6. God will be a refuge in time of trial.
  7. God’s love will abound.
  8. Those who die in Christ will rest from their labors.
  9. Honest hearts will obey the Gospel.
  10. God’s people will help one another bear their burdens.

These are just some of the predictions I’m making for 2016. What predictions would you make?

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