
Sundays I love Sundays. Sundays have been an important part of my life for a long, long time. As a kid, I remember going to worship and then going to Nannie and Papaw’s – Dad would read the paper, Papaw would watch TV, Nannie would finish dinner, Mom would help her, and we boys would […]

The Church

The Church Today I want to express my thankfulness for the church. Jesus promised to build the church and guaranteed that His death would not prevent the establishment of His body (Matt 16:18). I’m thankful that Jesus established the church, for the church has blessed my life tremendously over the years. Today, I want to […]

The Smiles of Life

The Smiles of Life I’ve been giving thanks to God for “big things”: His Son, His grace, my wife, and my elder son (I’ll write about my younger son later in the month). We dare not forget the “big things” God gives us, but today I want to give you some “little things” for which […]

The Blessing of RJ Imel

The Blessing of RJ Imel October 16, 1999, is not a date that I will easily forget. After four days of attempting to induce labor, the obstetrician broke my wife’s water, and we were in a delivery room not long after. Complications (the baby had his hand up over his head) forced us to rush […]