The W-Word

The W-Word I’ve hated the “w-word.” I’ve become angry when my wife suggested it, and heaven forbid a nurse mention it at the doctor’s office. I can walk. I will walk. No matter how difficult. No matter the pain. No matter how it looked. No matter whom I offended. I was going to walk. “Wheelchair” […]

The Potter

The Potter When I wrote about the negative things I have learned from my illness, I noted that doctors are not God. God is God. God alone is God. No created being can take his place. He sits in majesty on high. Man, however, for one reason or another always thinks that he himself is […]

What Does the Bible Say about Doctors?

What Does the Bible Say about Doctors? I have seen just about every type of specialist under the sun. I have seen a neurologist and a podiatrist and a urologist and an orthopedist and a hematologist and ophthalmologist and a dermatologist and a cardiologist and probably a few I haven’t named. I wrote a couple […]