Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois, April 7, 2023.
Yeah. As the parade of graduates approaches, we salute the states and territories whose sons and daughters will graduate today, Delaware must go. New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina. You capture Virginia, North Carolina, Vermont Kentucky, Tennessee. Oh my Louisiana Indiana, Mississippi. Going on Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan, Florida. He was in concern California, Minnesota, Oregon, Pan, West Virginia, Nevada, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota Montana, Washington. I know Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii District of Columbia, Puerto Rico. Wow, American Samoa, Northern Island, us Virgin Islands. State flags, order arms. And now we invite you to join the staff of recruit training command in welcoming the graduating divisions with Europe laws as they enter Midway Ceremonial Grow Hall and are announced in the following order. Ladies and gentlemen, please rise as we welcome them today’s graduating. Please welcome Division 07. Right?
Yeah, double 080, division zero, Division 083, Double 084, division zero And Division 086. Yes. Today’s graduating performing unit is Division 917, division 917. Provides the recruit choir, drill team and band for today’s ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated. Thank you. Divisions, right?
Face section leaders fall out and collect outer garments for to do state black or right divisions. Counter March divisions. Yeah, Alex dress. Just ready. Mhm. Also just just ready Friday. Thanks. Right. May I have your attention please?
For the remainder of the review, no one will be permitted to pass in front of the review stand. And we ask this as a courtesy to our reviewing officer. Photography is certainly encouraged, but we ask that you remain seated and off the drill deck. The photographers you will see on deck throughout the review are the official photographers of recruit training, command, division commanders left or right face poetry, rest, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I’m Lieutenant Daniel with crew training, command and master of ceremonies. I’d like to welcome you to today’s passive review. Today, you will see eight divisions comprised of 487 sailors participating in a graduation ceremony and soon to join the most powerful Navy in the world. Please draw your attention to the unit position that’s in there. Is their new commander in the staff. Their new commander is responsible for conducting the graduation ceremony. Today’s commander is senior recruit, Ryan Kalama from Hawaii. Let’s give him a hand performing today. State flag on their 18th of training, the staff unit on their ninth of training and the triple threat on their 10th and final week of training. These units are comprised entirely of recruits during the night of arrival. Recruits are placed in the divisions of 88 personnel and are assigned division commanders, recruit division commanders go in the back of recruit training and are key individuals in the life of every recruit. Division commanders must serve as counselors, disciplinarians, administrators and military leaders. Above all, they must show themselves as outstanding examples of military barrier appearance, attitude and behavior. Each division also has a recruit chief petty Officer. This senior group supervises the division of staff positions and leads the division in the absence of their division commander. Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the graduating divisions. The division commanders and group chief petty officers. As I introduce each division, they’ll raise the competitive flats that they have earned throughout their training. As I introduce each group, chief petty officer, the flag representing their home state will also be raised. Please hold your applause until all introductions have been completed. I will be starting from there, right?
Division 079, commanded by Chief Petty Officer Connor Moyer Petty Officer, first class Trent Pearl petty officer, first class Garcia Quintana and their Chief petty officer Airman Kristen Burr from Lando Lakes Florida Division 080, commanded by Chief Petty Officer Elena, Chief Petty Officer Derek Rich Petty Officer, first class Zachary Klein and their group. Chief Petty Officer Simon Kayla Mitchell from Dandridge, Tennessee division 081. Come in in chief petty Officer Patrick Mixon petty officer, first class Michael Alvez Petty Officer, 2nd Class Nelsie Salcedo And their chief Petty Officer Morales from Sacramento, California Division 083. Committed by Chief petty officer David Curtis petty officer, first class Lamar Pearson petty officer, first class Joseph Lady and the recruit chief petty officer Seaman Isaac Severson from Redmond, Oregon division 084, commanded by Chief Pezzo Jesse Olkowski petty officer first class Lucas Melaine petty Officer, second class Eric Ran and their crew chief petty officer of si Apprentice Coleman Gilb from Palestine Texas division 085, commanded by senior chief petty officer Harry, my petty officer first class Joseph Coyle Petty Officer, 1st Class Rachel Edelman Petty Officer, 1st Class Sam Scott and their crew chief petty officer, seaman recruits from Deerfield Beach Florida division 086. Committed by Chief petty officer Benjamin Mitchell petty officer, first class, no petty officer, first class chad Hatcher petty officer, second class Matt Snyder and the recruit chief petty officer Seaman Colin Fowle from Jupiter Florida Division 917, commanded by Chief petty Officer Derek Johnson petty officer, first class Mark Belo petty officer, second class Christina Cook and their group chief petty officer Apprentice Connor from Brockton Massachusetts, on behalf of commanding officer and staff recruit training command. We congratulate these division commanders and recruit chief petty officers on a job well done in a moment. We’ll see the ceremonial side boys votes in honor, take their places for arrival honors. This time honored tradition is a formal greeting to this morning from viewing. When requested by the, please stand for arrival. Honors marching on the colors, the national anthem and the as a military deaths are remaining throughout the entire ceremony. And ladies and gentlemen, one final note as in fitting the importance of this occasion, our ceremony is conducted in a formal manner. However, we do encourage you to participate in today’s graduation ceremony by letting your applause show these sailors just how proud of them are. Once again, welcome aboard. Um Yeah, um you wizards are church. Will the guest please rise and remain standing for the arrival of the official party, recruit training command, right?
Arms. No, Chief of Navy Reserve. Oh, the guest may be seated. Thank Morning, I go and see the five for, sir. Thank you for your inspection, sir. Yeah. Yes, of will the guest please rise trees and arms. Ok. Oh oh three. The colors represent arms or their arms. Chaplain bar will offer this morning’s indication. Let us pray. Eternal father. We come before you on the solemn day of Good Friday to thank you for your ultimate sublime sacrifice that taught us how to serve heroically and to give our lives for each other. And today we are celebrating the sacrifice these young sailors are willing to offer for our nation and the root causes. They are standing here proudly to honor Lord, wherever you need, we will follow where you need, you will walk the past may be long and hard like this food can. But we know you need us home. Even when things are tough and hard, you remind us that you are the infinite love and you call us from our loneliness to join a greater cause and serve our nation and fellow citizen from the initial days and all the fears and worries to passing the R PC assessment halfway through boot camp and from to face the challenges of station to victoriously celebrating gathering ceremony. Finally, you are living in this long waited moment of the graduation of these new sailors standing here proudly waiting their and especially reuniting with their families and beloved ones. We bless you Lord and we offer you our gratitude to all the R ECs and staff members who help shaping these new sailors and prepare them to go to their feet with heads held high and minds with positive bright and courageous hearts, bless them, Lord and reward them 100 more. We are thankful for our families and our beloved ones who supported these new sailors and continue to do so. Bless the Lord and be with them, especially when duty calls and we have to answer it, lead us all to parts of salvation in your most holy name that is above all names now and forever. We pray amen on to. Yeah, one, our guest may be CD at this point. The commanding officer would issue orders and instructions to the unit commandments. Then the unit commandments would face a ball and relay the information to their divisions. Today’s events show how orders are passing the chain of command. Ok. Right. More so no one, all divisions president will account for sir. Very well. Oh, good morning. Graduate question permission. Commence the review. Very well. Commence the review. Sorry, so surprise out just. Mhm. Yeah. Yeah. The war left report, sir. Very welcome. Good morning. I’m Captains Commanding Officer Training Command. I’m pleased to welcome families and friends to our graduation ceremony and we look forward to sharing this momentous occasion with you with us. Today is our reviewing officer by Sad John Luton Chief, the Navy Reserve and our guest of honor Force Mass Chief Tracy K Force Mass Chief of the Navy Reserve. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Commander Johnson and Command Chief Jeff from Naval Construction Training Center for sponsoring your vision. 079. I cannot thank all of our business enough for your continued support. And I’m sure your sales are grateful for your encouragement throughout their training and their crew training command, but also like to welcome all the veterans in our audience and thank them for their service to our country. Would all our veterans please stand and let’s give them a round of applause. Division 917 graduates today, they are the triple threat unit provided the choir drill team in Ba Please join me in giving them and the seven other graduate here today in a round of applause for their outstanding performances. This is where our Navy heritage reached the future where these young men and women enter the profession of arms. The staff of recruit training command is dedicated to providing the United States Navy with basically trained, physically fit and smartly disciplined sailors such as those standing here. Today, these sailors have successfully completed 10 rigorous weeks of the man recruit training and they have earned the right to wear the uniform recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom. They and others like to serve as the bedrock of our Navy forces. They will join with other sailors around the world to give our navy its combat edge and enable us to help keep this nation secure. This training group is ready to graduate and serve in the world’s most powerful Navy. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you 487 of the newest and sharpest sailors in the United States Navy. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, you may be seeing Vice Admiral Bus will now present this week’s individual awards and you will be joined on the drone deck by our commanding officer, Captain Brooks and our guest of honor. Of course, as the Chief Border morning for achieving the highest overall academic score during improved trading fireman, Jonathan Ramirez Dito of division 086 from Flushing New York has heard academic, which is the Society and Sons of the American Revolution. Fireman Ramirez received a letter of combination from our command officer. Well done morning for having displayed extraordinary qualities, best expressing the American spirit of honor, initiative and loyalty. Seeming Taylor Holstrom division 917 from Gordon Nebraska is the award, the Navy League award which is sponsored by the Navy League of the United States. Seeing wom is presented with ac of plaque and a letter of combination from our committee officer, well done sailor. Good morning. Airman Lindsey Riley division 080 from Oak Ridge. Tennessee is the winner of the United Service Organization Award for best exemplifying the spirit and the intent of the word Shipman. Airman Riley is given a commemorative plaque from the United Service Organization. Well done sailor. Thank you. Thank you morning seaman apprentice Jonathan Cook division 083 from Heights, New Jersey is the recipient of the Military Order of the World Awards Award of Merit. This award is presented for meto performance during recruit training. Seaman apprentice cook is presented with a commemorative plaque for the military order of the World Wars. Well done sailor. Thank you. Who was Mass Chief. The Military Officers Association Leadership Award is presented to C Apprentice Jaran division 080 from Saint Louis Missouri for demonstrating exceptional tenacity and professionalism. Seaman Apprentice Randall is a board of letter accommodation from our commanding officer. Well done saving. Yeah. Thank you. Good. Morning seaman Dilley division 0 86 from Simi Valley California is a recipient of the Navy Club of the United States of America Military Excellence Award for best exemplifying the qualities of an enthusiasm, devotion to duty, military bearing and teamwork. This award places him at the Pentagon on today’s newest Savings. He’s Award for flag outer accommodation here. See MC Dion, the staff of recruit training command salutes you as the finest of this group of graduates. Well done sailing. Thank you. Thank you. Visions are sure it is appropriate to recognize such outstanding individual accomplishments by these sailors. With a round of three cheers. The adjutant will lead all graduating divisions in three cheers for this morning’s award winners. I have a pleasure this morning introducing our Vice Chief of the Navy Reserve, a native of Alexander Virginia and a 1990 graduate of the United States Naval Academy is a career service worker officer. He has served at sea in the destroyer USS Donald Cook, got a USS Vincent and as commander of expeditionary Strike Two. He affiliated with the Navy Reserve in 2001 and has served in numerous staff and operational assignments. He commanded several Navy Reserve units to include joint staff South US Fleet Forces command, maritime operations center, maritime expeditionary security squadron, six and inshore boat unit 22. His other assignments as an admiral include Deputy Commander of Naval Service forces, deputy commander of US. Second fleet US forces commander Mu became the 15th chief of the Navy Reserve in August 2020 and he leads approximately 59,000 reserve employed personnel who support the Navy Marine Corps and Joint forces. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the warm recruit training command. Welcome to. Well, thank you, Captain Burkes and good morning to recruit training, command, staff, family, friends and our soon to be sailors. I’m Vice President Johnson, the Chief of the Navy Reserve and command our Navy Reserve Force. And I’m thrilled and honored to join you today for what is a very special day for our Navy. And it is, of course, obviously an important milestone day for our recruiters. It is my great privilege to join you in welcoming these 487 sailors into the world’s finest, most lethal navy in the span of a century naval station, Great Lakes has transformed over three million civilians into members of an elite team known as our United States Navy. The program here has always been rigorous, demanding more from our recruits and they probably believe they were capable of delivering. And I know each of the proud standing before us today is filled with a well earned sense of accomplishment. In fact, they share many common attributes. They each step forward answering the call to duty and committing to serve a cause greater than themselves. The sailors have proven themselves worthy of the uniforms that they now wear. But while this is a great accomplishment, it’s only the first of the many steps that they’re going to take in their NAV careers. Some here today may even be thinking, what did I get myself into. But I can assure your shipmates, the recruit division commanders, the instructors, the staff at RT C have prepared you well and you should recognize them for it. Even if the depth of your understanding and appreciation of their investment in you takes years to fully reveal. And as you move forward in your navy career, you’re going to participate in more training and you’re going to gain valuable experience both in the Navy and in life. And with that experience, you’re going to develop the well earned confidence as you take your place alongside other sailors in our fleet members of an elite club, the finest fighting force in the world. And then you will experience what I found to be the most rewarding and satisfying profession in this great world to the many families joining us today. I know your brand new sailors have not made this journey on our own. In fact, it’s you the families, the friends who have instilled the values that place them on this path. Even before they arrived here, you shape your recruit into the person who fully understands and embraces the Navy’s core values on courage and commitment. So thank you and welcome all of you to our navy. I’ll leave you with this successfully. Defending our nation is not a function of the latest weapons. The latest technology or the latest armor even know ours is the end of the rest of the world. Make no mistake. What makes our navy great and what gives our nation confidence in the navy is the quality and the commitment of the dedicated men and women who serve As the father of our Navy. John Paul Jones famously stated in 1776, men need more than the guns in the rating of a ship. And I know that to be true, each of you represents our most valuable resource. You are our Navy’s asymmetric advantage. And as of today, you’ve assumed the responsibility to defend our nation and I’m confident that you’re now prepared for that tremendous duty. You’ve also earned my respect and the respect of a grateful nation. So now congratulations sailors before we get busy. This is an audience participation moment. Who y’all sailors who y’all soon to be candidates, sailors?
Let’s hear that again. Who y’all?
Congratulations. Let’s get busy out there. Thanks Black forward. Four Vice Admiral Bus will now receive the salute in the graduating divisions and you will be joined on the drill deck by our commanding officer. Captain Brooks. Please remain seated until your graduates have been placed on liberty. Please join me in one more round of appreciation for our wonderful musicians on baby. Bad, great las flags, post section videos fall out and retrieve out of Gus, thanks again to each and every one of you for joining us on those most memorable of navy days and without further delay. Now, hear this liberty, liberty.