A Prayer for This Church

A Church Tower

A Prayer for This Church

Father of glory and power, we thank you for the church your Son purchased with his own blood. We’re grateful that although we are not physical descendants of Abraham you have made us his spiritual descendants through our faith and have made us one body in Christ Jesus.

We thank you, too, not only for the church universal, but for this congregation. We have a place where we are loved and where we love, we have a place we can call “home,” and we have a place where we are family. You have made it possible for all of us—with our different backgrounds and interests and desires and struggles—to be brothers and sisters.

We do ask, our God, for your blessings on this church. There are many among us who are sick and struggling with various health issues; we pray earnestly that you would touch each one and bless each precious soul according to your will. There are many who suffer with trials they prefer to keep private; we beseech you to touch each one in a special way with your loving hands.

Father, we have before us an open door for ministry. We pray that we will actively take your word into this city and beyond. We have friends, family, and neighbors who are lost; grant us the courage and the wisdom to share your soul-saving message with them. We beg—yes, beg—that you would soften hearts so that our lost loved ones may come to Jesus and find abundant life.

We ask for your help in seeing this congregation grow. No, we don’t care about numbers for the sake of numbers; we care about numbers because each person is a soul for whom your Son gave his blood. As this church does grow, we pray for welcoming hearts that we might love and accept our new brothers and sisters.

Holy God, we pray that you would grant our elders wisdom and strength as they shepherd the flock. We ask that your word will continue to be preached in truth and sincerity. We pray that our worship will honor and glorify you as the God of heaven and earth. We pray that we as a body will shine brightly as a beacon of hope in a dark, sin-filled world.

Bless us, O God, to do your will above all else. Bless us to lift our crosses and follow Jesus. Bless us to be molded into the image of your holy Son. Bless us as we long to be in your presence throughout eternity.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen

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