Who’s Watching You?

Who’s Watching You? For the past couple of weeks, I’ve noticed a heavyset guy, probably in his mid-thirties, coming and getting in the hot tub while I was swimming. He always left before I was finished swimming, so I had never met this man, let alone spoken to him; however, I was starting to make […]

Will You Yield?

Will You Yield? After Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego come from the fiery furnace unscathed, Nebuchadnezzar himself said that the three Hebrews trusted God, “and set aside the king’s command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God” (Dan 3:28). In other words, the king himself acknowledged that […]

How’s Your Memory?

How’s Your Memory? Maybe it’s because I just turned 50, but I forget stuff easily. I have a hard time remembering where I’ve parked my car; I once spent at least 45 minutes—probably more—looking for my car in a hospital parking garage, and Tammy jokes that she may one day send me to Walmart and […]

Not Holding Back a Single Word

Not Holding Back a Word I’m thankful I’m not Jeremiah. When God called him to prophesy against the nation of Judah immediately before the deportation to Babylon, Jeremiah balked; he said he was too young for such an important assignment (cf. Jer 1:6). God, of course, wouldn’t accept Jeremiah’s excuse and sent him to the […]