Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation | May 5, 2023

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes. May 5, 2023.


Right. As the parade of graduates approaches, we salute the states and territories whose sons and daughters will graduate today. Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Me, Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan, Florida. Thank you, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, West Virginia, Nevada, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota Montana, Washington. I know Wyoming Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii District of Columbia, Puerto Rico one, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, us Virgin Islands. State flags, order arms and now we invite you to join the staff of recruit training command in welcoming the graduating divisions with your applause as they enter midway, ceremonial drill hall and are announced in the following order. Ladies, right, graduating divisions. Ok, please. One. Yeah. Ok. Oh, hey, yeah. Ok. Division one home. Oh, division one, 11. Today’s graduating performing unit is division 921, right. Division 921 provides the arrival on our staff, honor guard, the recruit review, commander, adjutant and graduate to provide support assignments for today’s ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated. Thank. You. Divisions, right?

Space section leaders fall out and collect outer garments. What?

Yeah, divisions. Counter state March. Yeah, divisions. Ok. Does ready, right. Please close dry bye, Joyce. Face. Four right. Ladies and gentlemen, please hold your applause. May I have your attention, please?

For the remainder of the review, no one will be permitted to pass in front of the review stand. And we ask this as a courtesy to our viewing officer. Photography is certainly encouraged, but we ask that you remain seated and off the drill deck. The photographers you will see on deck throughout the review are the official photographers of recruit training, command, division commanders left or right or raided rest. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I’m Lieutenant Daniel Alcorn, crew training, command’s master of ceremonies. I would like to welcome you to today’s past interview. Today. You will see eight divisions comprised of 463 sailors participating in their graduation ceremony and soon to join the most powerful navy in the world. Please draw your attention to the unit positioned at center deck. There is the review commander and staff. The review commander is responsible for conducting the graduation ceremony. Today’s review commander is airman Brendan Chadwell from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Let’s give him a hand performing today as a triple threat unit on their 18 of training, the state flags unit on their 19 of training and the staff unit on their 10th and final week of training. These units are comprised entirely of recruits during their night of arrival. Recruits are placed in divisions of 88 personnel and assigned division commanders, recruit division commanders form the backbone of recruit training and are key individuals in the life of every recruit. Division commanders must serve as counselors, disciplinarians, administrators and military leaders. Above all, they must show themselves as outstanding examples of military bearing, appearance, attitude and behavior. Each division a also has a recruit. Chief petty officer. This senior group supervises the divisional staff positions and leads the division in the absence of their division commanders. Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the graduating divisions, the division commanders and recruit chief petty officers. As they introduce each division, they will raise competitive flies that they have earned throughout their training. As they introduce each recruit. Chief petty Officer, the flag representing their home state will also be raised. Please hold your applause until all introductions have been completed. I will be starting from there, right?

Division 107, commanded by Chief petty Officer Kelvin officer, first class Isaiah Covington petty Officer, first class Jose Duenez and the recruit chief petty officer Seaman John Anthony Coronado from San Antonio Texas division 108, commanded by senior Chief petty officer David Williams petty Officer, first class Tyler Combs petty Officer, second class Matthew Beal and the recruit chief petty officer Seaman, Apprentice James Peer from Georgetown Texas division 109 commanded by senior Chief petty Officer Jessica Guzman petty officer, first class Brian Cobalt petty Officer, second class Lionel and their group. Chief petty officer, Seaman J Rich from Tampa Florida division 110, commanded by Chief petty officer Darlene Roulet petty officer, first class Zachary Drinan petty officer, second class Marvin Parker and their group chief petty officer airman Brian Rios Nino from San Diego, California division 111 commanded by Chief petty Officer, Carsten Galindo petty officer, first class Brian Sears officer, first class mail petty officer, second class William Walsh and their crew chief petty officer and an apprentice Kyle Boucher from Atlanta, Georgia division 113, commanded by senior chief petty officer Larry Scott, head officer first class Anthony Munoz petty officer, second class Nicholas Garcia and the recruit chief petty officer Airman Blake Johnson from Newton Illinois division 114, commanded by Chief petty officer Derek Leslie petty officer, first class Joseph Pipes petty officer, first class Tyler Dale and their crew chief petty officer airman Jean Claude Nori McCutchen from Lima Peru. Mhm Division 921 commanded by senior chief petty officer Jesse Hick petty officer, first class David Cozart Petty Officer, second class Thomas Lopez. And they recruit chief petty officer Airman Brennan Chadwell from Virginia Beach, Virginia. On behalf of the commanding officer and staff of the crew training command. We congratulate these division commanders and their crew, chief petty officers on a job well done in a moment. You’ll see the ceremonial side, boys boats and honor guard, take their places for arrival honors. This time honored tradition is our formal greeting to this morning’s viewing officer. When requested by the announcer, please stand for arrival. Honors marching onto the colors, the national anthem and the invocation as a reminder, military guests throughout the entire graduation ceremony. And ladies and gentlemen, one final note as we fit in the importance of this occasion, our ceremony is conducted in a formal manner. However, we do encourage you to participate in today’s graduation ceremony by letting your applause show these sailors just how proud of them you are once again. Welcome aboard. Oh, so the visits a John. Yeah. Will the guests please rise and remain standing for the arrival of the official party. I recruit training command, arriving, order of lead special trial counsel, arriving, order of the guest may be seated. Good morning, Andrew. I don’t stand by for inspection, sir. So thank you for your inspection too. Thank you for your special comments, sir. Color guard. Oh, read the colors. Will the guest please rise present arms. Oh God. Order, retire the colors, priest and arms order arms. Chaplain Shaya will now offer this morning’s invocation. Let us pray. Almighty God. Somebody chose to believe somebody chose to persevere to climb over the obstacles. And we give you thanks for the privilege of being able to gather this morning to celebrate the completion of 10 weeks of training here at Navy Recruit Training Command. We invite your presence to be with us today. Look over this group of graduates as we remember the freedoms that we enjoy today. Come at a great cost. Thank you for their willingness to serve in a moment that their nation needs the most. Bless them in a special way as they depart. The great the gates, may your spirit be with them and influence them to make right decisions as they enter the fleet, send trustworthy friends, mentors and excellent leadership to guide them and support them in this new journey. Thank you for their recruit division commanders as well as the staff who work diligently to prepare them for this moment. And finally, Lord bless their families, their friends and all who are gathered here today to celebrate this moment and to celebrate the win. All these things we ask in your precious name. Amen. Sorry are strong to there. Oh, I see you first and then party you square. Yeah, the our guest may be seated at this point. The commanding officer would issue orders and instructions to unit commanders. Then the unit commanders would face about and relay the information to their divisions. Today’s events show how orders were passed through the chain of command. He visits report very well, very well, very well, very welcome. Very well, very well, very well, very well. All divisions present or accounted for sir. Very well. The sailors crew. Ah good morning. Captain, I present the graduating divisions. Request permission to commence the review. Very well. Commence the review, sir. Sound oh, no aspiration. Yeah. Ok. Mhm. What’s that we?

No. Ok. Mhm. A very well good morning. I’m Captain Kerrick Brooks commanding Officer Recruit Training command. I’m pleased to welcome families and friends to our graduation ceremony and we look forward to sharing this momentous occasion with you with us. Today is our reviewing officer, Rear Admiral Jonathan Stevens Lee special trial co I cannot all of our visitors enough for your continued support and I’m sure your sails are grateful for your encouragement throughout their training at recruit training command. I would also like to welcome all the veterans in our audience to say thank you for your service to our country. But all of our veterans please stand so we can give you a round of applause. Division 921 graduates. Today, they are the support staff unit providing arrival honor, staff, honor guard, recruit review, commander, Adjutant and support staff of today’s ceremony. Please join me in giving them and the seven other graduating divisions here today. A round of applause for their outstanding performances. This is where our Navy heritage meets the future and where these young men and women enter the profession of arms. The staff of recruit training command is dedicated to providing the United States Navy with basically trained, physically fit and smartly disciplined sailors such as those standing here today, these sailors have successfully completed 10 weeks of rigorous training here at recruit training command and they have earned the right to wear the uniform recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom. They and others like them serve as the bedrock of our naval forces and they will join other sailors around the world to give our navy its combat edge and enable us to help keep this nation secure. This training group is ready to graduate and serve in the world’s most powerful navy. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 463 of the newest and sharpest sailors in the United States Navy. We yeah, recruit training commands competitive system among individual recruits and divisions promotes teamwork, attention to detail and pride and accomplishment. Divisions performing above standards throughout their training are awarded recognition flags in the five mission areas, academic achievement, military drill, compartment, readiness, applications, and physical fitness. These flags are carried as a visible of the division. Success. Each flag indicates that your sailors individually and as teams met performance standards in one or more missionaries, a division that excels in every phase of training qualifies for the battle efficiency, honor, division recognition and is awarded in the battle e honor flag for this exemplary achievement division, 113, earn this and we congratulate them exceptionally. Uh All right, rear Admiral Stevens will now present this week’s individual awards and he will be joined on the drill deck by our commanding officer Captain Brooks morning, Captain fireman Stevenson for achieving the highest overall academic score during recruit training. Fireman Bailey Stevenson division 113 from Chesapeake, Virginia has earned the academic excellence award which is sponsored by the Lake Defiance Chapter of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Fireman Stevenson receives a letter of commendation from the commanding officer. Well done sailor. Thank you. Honorable, good morning, Captain Stephen Cortez reporting for having displayed extraordinary qualities, best expressing the American spirit of honor, initiative and loyalty. Seaman Anthony Cortez division 113 from Fowler California is awarded the Navy League Award which is sponsored by the Navy League of the United States. Seaman Cortez is presented with a commemorative plaque and a letter of commodification from the commanding officer. Well done sailor. Good morning admiral airman apprentice Allen Sellers division 921 from Charleston, South Carolina is the winner of the United Service Organization Award for best exemplifying the spirit and intent of the word shipmate. Amman apprentice sellers is given a commemorative plaque from the United Service Organization well done sailor reporting apprentice Julio Pacheco Lopez division 109 from Rio Grande. Puerto Rico is the recipient of the Military Order of the World Wars Award of Merit. This award is presented for meritorious performance during recruit training, seaman apprentice Pacheco Lopez is presented with a commemorative plaque from the military Order of the World Wars. Well done sailor. Thank you. The military Officers Association Leadership award is presented to Seaman Caleb Delia division 114 from Chesapeake Beach Maryland for demonstrating exceptional tenacity and professionalism. Simon Delena is awarded a letter of commendation from our commanding officer. Well done sailor. Good morning. How are you doing?

Thank you, Admiral. Good morning, Captain Child Report. It is our pleasure to recognize the review commander for today’s ceremony throughout his training. He has exhibited great pride in naval service and has consistently demonstrated his potential as an effective leader. He has maintained a high standard of personal appearance and displayed excellent military bearing and command voice. Amman Brennan Chadwell division 921 from Virginia Beach, Virginia is also the recipient of the Navy Club of the United States of America Military Excellence Award for best exemplifying the qualities of enthusiasm, devotion to duty, military bearing and teamwork. This award places him at the pinnacle of today’s newest sailors. Here’s awarded a flag letter of combination Aaron Chadwell, the staff of recruit training command salutes you as the finest of this group of graduates. Well, thank you or it is appropriate to recognize such outstanding individual accomplishments by these sailors. With a round of three cheers. The adjutant will lead all graduating divisions in three cheers for this morning’s award winners that I have the distinct pleasure. This morning of introducing our reviewing officer, Rear Admiral, Jonathan Stevens Lee, special trial counsel, a native of Burke, Virginia. Admiral Stevens began his navy career as a surface warfare officer and deployed on board the destroyers, US Ingersoll and US K K. He was selected for the Navy’s law education program and earned his law degree from the George Washington University School of Law. He has completed multiple assignments with the naval legal service command in the office of the judge Advocate General. Additionally, Admiral Stevens served as both executive officer and commanding officer, region legal service office, Japan, senior trial counselor at region legal service office, Mid Atlantic and commanding officer defense service office west followed by a tour as the chief judge of the Navy Marine Corps Judiciary. He was named as the first Lee Special trial counsel of the Navy in December 2022. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the warm recruit training command. Welcome to Admiral Stevens. Good morning, everybody. So you heard I’m a lawyer. I promise I won’t talk long. They told me I can’t, so I won’t do, but I promise I wanted to say congratulations to all 463 of you. This is an unbelievable accomplishment when you think about what you did starting 10 weeks ago to a transition from civilians to sailors. It’s unbelievable because of the hard work that you put into it, whether it was the seaman ship, the firefighting battle stations and now working together. These are going to be skills that are going to be key to you as you move forward in your career. So again, my wholehearted, congratulations to you. My thank you to your family and your friends. We like to say in the navy that we’re one big family and on behalf of the navy, I’m happy to welcome all of you to join our Navy family. These sailors couldn’t do it without you. They’re going to need your support as they move on. And I know that based on those of you who I met this morning and the way you’ve been screaming here today, I have no doubt that we will continue to do that. So thank you for all of the Captain Ross, outstanding RTC staff. All of the, as you guys can tell, this is a herculean task and they do it every week, they do it every time they’re putting sailors in the fleet so that we can meet the mission and we couldn’t do it without the status. So thank you so much to all of them. And if you get a chance, please thank them as you leave me. Finally, one thing that everybody, we all come in. I got a chance to talk to you a lot of you last night and this morning and everybody has different reasons why they joined the Navy and all of those are great reasons and I’m glad because they’re what brought you all here. But the thing that strikes me, people ask me all the time. I’ve been in the Navy 26. Years. And they say, why do you stay in the Navy?

And usually it’s for two reasons, if you ask anybody, it’s the mission because we’re committed to the mission. And it’s because of the people. It’s because of all 463 of you and the remaining 340,000 plus active duty sailors that you’re joining, along with all the civilians and the reservist who are here and support us. And it’s because you guys have made commitments to the navy, to your unit, to your shipmates and to yourself that you’re willing to sacrifice to get the mission done in service of our country. So whenever people ask me, why do I stay?

I quickly look back at them and say, well, how could I, how could I not choose to serve with people like all of you who have made this choice to be in the navy?

So thank you very much for what you’ve done. Thank you to your families for what you’ve done. I wish you all the very best when you get out there, I encourage you to apply the lessons that you’ve learned here and the times where they are a little bit challenging out there, which will come. But what you’ve learned here in 10 weeks will serve you. Whether you stay in the Navy or not, they’re going to serve you for the rest of your life. So, congratulations to all of you. And I wish you all God’s speed and I look forward to serving with you in the fleet. Thank you very much. Stay forward. Let 21 rear admiral Stevens will now receive a salute of the graduating divisions and he will be joined on the drill deck by our commanding officer, Captain Brooks. Please remain seated until your graduates have been placed on liberty. Um Please join me in one more round of appreciation for our wonderful musicians of the Navy Band, Great Lakes, flags post section leaders fall out and retrieve outer garments. Yeah, thanks again to each and every one of you for joining us on this most memorable of Navy days and without further delay. Now hear this liberty liberty pull out.

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