“He Brought Him to Jesus”

Statue of Jesus the Christ

“He Brought Him to Jesus”

Andrew, a disciple of John the Baptizer, was standing with Jesus’s forerunner when John noticed the Lord. John exclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” Andrew, intrigued by John’s revelation, followed Jesus and spent the rest of the day with the Lord. Andrew, in his excitement of having discovered the Messiah, “first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ).” What Andrew did next changed human history: “He brought him to Jesus” (Jn 1:35-42).

Andrew’s bringing his brother to Jesus changed history? Indeed! After Peter professed his faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Lord said to him, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 16:19). With those “keys of the kingdom of heaven,” Peter played an indispensable role in the early church:

  • He became the “spokesman” for the apostles (cf. Acts 1:15ff).
  • He stood before the crowd at Pentecost and proclaimed Jesus as the resurrected and reigning Messiah (Acts 2:14ff).
  • When the crowd at Pentecost in their godly sorrow asked what they needed to do, Peter gave them hope by telling them to repent and be baptized in Jesus’s name (Acts 2:37-38).
  • When Cornelius, a devout man, called for Peter in response to an angel’s instruction, Peter proclaimed the gospel to a Gentile (Acts 10:34-43).
  • Peter wrote two inspired epistles to guide the church through the ages.

Andrew’s invitation to his brother led to an apostle’s opening the doors of God’s kingdom to both Jews and Gentiles. That invitation led to a fisherman’s becoming the leader of Jesus’s chosen Twelve. That invitation led to the writing of inspired Scripture. That invitation changed history.

If you go to a friend and say, “I have found the Messiah” and bring him to Jesus, your invitation can change history.

  • That invitation could lead to a family’s salvation in Jesus.
  • That invitation could lead to a man’s growing to become a shepherd among God’s flock.
  • That invitation could lead to a lady’s becoming a Bible class teacher and shaping the lives of children for years to come.
  • That invitation could lead to hope’s filling a soul where there had been only despair.
  • That invitation could lead to a family’s healing from generational sin.
  • That invitation could lead to children yet unborn knowing and serving the God of heaven.

Yes, your invitation can change lives and change history; your invitation can change the population of heaven. Invite someone to worship with you. Invite someone to Wednesday evening Bible study. Invite someone to pray with you. Invite someone to study the Bible with you. Invite someone to Jesus today and change a life forever!

This article was originally written by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr., for the weekly newsletter at Church of Christ Deer Park in Deer Park, Texas.

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