The South Atlantic Coast Study Team provided an update to stakeholders on the progress of the study. The Regional team along with District Project managers updated stakeholders on the progress that has been made on the regional products and the project managers provided an update on the analyses their teams have been doing since the last quarterly progress review held in March.
All right, Thank you. Everybody who’s still coming in. It looks like we are right at the top of the hour. I would like to go ahead and just take care of a few, um, housekeeping notes. So first again, just like to thank everybody for joining us on the second quarterly update, everyone is joined and listen only mode, but there will be a question and answer session a to end of the presentation. So there’s kind of a chat and question feature. If you want to go ahead and submit questions during the presentation, will then hold them and review them on and have a time to read those out and have our presenters respond. Um, I did also want to note that just in terms of this webinar platform, if you kind of have a tool panel on the side of your screen, and that’s blocking, your view of the slides were kind of an orange arrow that you compress to either hide or bring back that control panel as needed. Um, I did also want to note that we are recording the Webinar today and that recording will be posted to the fax website, um as well as the PdF of. Besides, following today’s presentation with that, I’d like to hand it over to the regional project manager can cast in to get a started writing excitedly. So thank you, Jenny. I appreciate that again. I am Pam, Captain says Jenny’s indicated with the Corps of Engineers Wilmington District in Wilmington, North Carolina, and I am the regional project manager for the court South Atlantic Coastal Study. Now, as most of you are aware, the South Atlantic Coastal study is working with a broad stakeholder platform toe identify risk and develop strategies to improve resilience across totally influenced areas of eight states and territories throughout the Southeast in the Caribbean. I want to thank you all for joining us this afternoon for our quarterly update on study progress and activities since the last time we presented to you back in March of this year. Now I’m gonna keep my introductory remarks fairly short. As we’ve got a lot of terrific information to share with you today, we’re gonna jump right in now again. Although this update will focus on accomplishments over the last three months, we may have some participants today who are new to our collaborative study team. So I’m just gonna set the stage with some overall study contact. Next line, please, For our agenda today. I’m just gonna refresh everyone on the composition of our study team and our shared vision statement and provide kind of a 30,000 foot view of where we are in our overall study schedule. Then our command center team will each provide an update on regional study products that have been completed in the last three months or that are underway, followed by our district project managers who will give you a summary of accomplishment and upcoming activities. We’ve got a lot going on for each of the state and territory appendices. Well, then highlight what’s up next over the coming three months and then try to leave about 15 to 20 minutes for two and a through the chap function of the webinars at the tail end. Next line, please. So our South Atlantic Coastal study team consists of a command center team of regional discipline. Lee, they’re working together from various Corps of Engineers districts within South Atlantic Division. Now, each of the five court also project working hard on the eight state dependencies within their area. So each of these folks will introduce themselves as they provide you with their updates, and their contact information is contained at the back end of the presentation. Um, this presentation will be made available for you to download off the studies Web page next lightly, So Congress has directed that the Corps of Engineers complete this study within a total of four years now. The study was initiated in August of 2018 and as you can see by the Yellow Bar on this slide, we’re almost at the halfway mark in the study schedule. Another thing that’s really pretty clear from this slide is that 2020 have been and continues to be a very busy year for the study team as we work on a wide variety of technical products, supporting regional risk analyses on a more detailed assessment of risk and risk reduction opportunities within each state territory and high risk focus Serious. The draft report will be complete for public review next October, with the final report due over the finish line in August of 2022 Next life. So our studies shared vision statement constitutes our shared understanding with you are stakeholders of the desired end state in managing coastal risk in our region developed collaboratively with you over the course of this past year. Now it’s useful to always keep this statement in mind as it really is the metric against which ultimately our study success will be measured. So again. Specifically, the South Atlantic Hopeful study vision is to provide a common understanding of risk free coastal storms and sea level rise to support resilient communities and habitats. This collaborative effort will leverage stakeholders actions to plan and implement cohesive coastal storm management strategies along the Atlantic and Gulf Coast shorelines, including the territories of Puerto Rico on the U. S. Virgin next life. So this key products slide is also available on our studies Web page. For you to take a closer look at our team will be providing you today with an overview of the products that are circled in red. As you may recall, our Tier one risk assessment is already completed and available through our gear portal on the Regional Sediment Management optimization report. Is the dolphin complete and available on our Web page next life? So at this time, I’d like to turn the Mike over to our command center team for their progress Brief beginning with Lisa Clark. Our outreach lead. Leave your immediate A if you are honest. Sorry. Yeah. Good afternoon. This is Lisa Clark. I am the South Atlantic Coastal Study Outreach lead, and I work outside of the Jacksonville District and looking at my slide here you’ll be on the top. Left is the makeup of our stakeholders. Um, they’re more than 1200 plus stakeholders that we have throughout the study area, and this number continues to grow as we continued to engage with you are stakeholders. Looking at the top right is a picture of the newsletters which we began creating in January thes issues air posted to our website and the June issue is currently under development and will be available on our website during the first full week of July. On the bottom left, you’ll see, this is a picture of what our website looks like. This is where we post new information. As it becomes available. There are links to previous webinars Geo portal, very study product and a link to be added to our email distribution list. If you’re not already on Carney now distribution list. And there’s lots of other great information on the bottom, right? That is our email address sex that you say stop army dot mil. There’s also the link to our Geo portal, which has the tax cheer. One risk assessment viewer, thank you very much, and now I will pass it over to Dr Clay McCord. Hello, everyone. I’m Clay McCoy and they are them. Lead the command team and also the PM of the sand Study fans stand for sand availability and need determination. And it’s a study to determine the 50 year sand needs for all beach projects in the South Atlantic division but federal and non federal projects, and to determine the available fan resource is, uh in the region but off shore near shore or STM and beneficial use sources as well up one. So it’s the first regional assessment of its kind in the project have managed by a team including state and federal resource agencies and contractors to tailor engineering in Jacksonville, Florida Over the last quarter, we completed our assessment. We held in house workshops to go over the data and prepare for our district workshop, and we conducted those workshops over the last couple of weeks, we got a lot of great feedback from stakeholders that was strengthened and make the final product more accurate. If you are unable to attend or want to see those presentations, I had the link to an FTP site, huh? On the screen here. If you have any questions, comments or additional data, please send that information to it by the end of this week. July 3rd. After that, we’re gonna finalize the database and start writing up the report. And so the report should be on the sex website by the end of October at the late next widely. That is just some of the preliminary results. We have about 1.2 billion cubic yards of sand needs in the division, and we have roughly the same amount of sand available. Um, all states can meet their overall sand needs with identified. Resource is, except for Georgia. But the sand is not where we need it to be in all cases. So if you take a look at the map, the red and orange spots identified that the deficit, as you can see much of, ah, North Carolina, is in a deficit as well. A south Florida, much of the Panhandle of Florida and Mississippi. Next slide, please. Okay, that’s our final spot. The preliminary recommendations, the next step stand resource is she’s primarily based on our them and beneficial use. And these offshore, proven and potential resource is and so we didn’t include the UN verified plus category in our offshore database. We’re calculating the volumes. And so we’re gonna suggest to look in the zone five verifies plus areas, these areas that had some level of data to suggest that Sandri sources are available. And we’re gonna take a look there first. And we’re gonna work with our team that we’ve put together to help priors. As that we’re gonna promote innovation to improve efficiencies from borrow areas and dredging losses. Uh, supporting R and D. That’s just screening, sorting, getting more efficient with unexploded ordinance areas and environmental buffers. And things like that are also gonna look at flexibility and state regulations. There’s opportunities to utilize sources, um, to place in the near shore and expand or beneficial use placement strategy. Thank you for your time. Now I’m gonna hand off to Trevor Lancaster to talk about some of progress with the sacks and special program. Thank you. Thanks, Clay. Good afternoon. This is Trevor Lancaster from the Wilmington district with an update for the Geospatial activities for this past quarter. This spring, we finalize the tier one risk assessment for Puerto Rico and the U. S Virgin Islands. We had to take a slightly different approach to the territory. Since several of the data sets utilized in our analysis, the mainland did not include features for Puerto Rico and U. S C. I wherever the supplement various infrastructure data sets with local and regional data source from the territory governments and the University of Virgin Islands for Puerto Rico. Given the availability of the CDC Social Vulnerability Index to the census track level, we maintain this level of detail for the population and infrastructure indices similarly to the mainland for the U. S Virgin Islands. Unfortunately, the CDC Social Vulnerability Index was not calculated, so we use this as an opportunity to refine our aggregation boundary down to the estate level for the population infrastructure indices. The various hazard exposure and risk indices for the territories are available on the sax tier. One risk assessment here several geospatial products currently in development. Now that we’ve completed, the tier one for the territories will be standing up. 81 download Web application that will allow users to download the various tier one indices and associated metadata by state or territory. Additionally, we’re in the process of building out a Web application for the Havas model. Results that address stops will touch on next. These will include estimated dollar damages to the census block level for existing and future flood. Event. Similarly, will be building out state and territory appendix Web applications that will allow users to visualize Tier two data sets that complement the sacks state and territory appendices. Additionally, we’re building out an open data page on our Sacks Artist online organization site. This will allow users to discover access and visualize all the geospatial products and data sets from the sex. Lastly, were actively providing juice, facial support to the sex environmental team or analyzing the vulnerability of habitats within our study area to coastal storm hazards. Christina may well be touching. On short, that concludes my update, and now pass it off to a DRI stops for an economics update. The dreams are you on you. You? Yeah, His audio looks to be off at the moment. Just give him a minute or a couple of seconds. It comes online. The drink that think you might need to re enter your pin? I’m not sure You left audio and came back on Jenny. Otherwise we could move. Just doing more than that and give a drink and come back to this section. Sure. I think that brings us Matt, if you wanna given up there. All right, thanks. So I’m a trader on the planning lead from the command team for the study s in the Jackson a district I’m gonna brief on a couple. Overall planning efforts have been going on for the past several months and then district PM They’re gonna provide some specific state and territory information later on in today’s presentation, said a first effort that showed up on your screen is compiling summary tables like this one. This is just an example for Northeast Florida that summarized the tier one and tier two analyses that have identified high risk locations. As we discussed on past webinars, the sex tier one evaluated potential risk across the entire study area. All 65,000 miles of shoreline using national level data sets in order to provide a consistent picture of existing and future risk. This information is available on that tier one risk assessment viewer and Lisa Clark had the link to it on her slide so you can see that you’re one results there and tear. Two districts use more specific state and territory data to add to and refine the tier one output. An example of two to data is ah, has this analysis that address will go through later on today. Although has this was run for the whole study area, that data was evaluated in specific ways that may differ from state to state. So it’s considered here too. So these efforts are currently ongoing, with the next steps being to add pertinent here to environmental and cultural resource cannon considerations. And if you if you click button, I’m gonna show you, I’m gonna highlight these next two sections of the table on the next two slides gonna zoom in and provide some explanation of the data that we used the next slide, please. So here’s the tier one section of that summary table that I just had up as shown in the text at the top of the table on the right here. One evaluated storm surge inundation, impacts to population, infrastructure, environmental, cultural resource is this evaluation resulted in the Tier one composite risk index, An example of that is shown in the lower left. That’s a snapshot of the composite risk index for a section of northeast Florida. So, in order to determine potential high risk locations under Tier one, the composite risk index was overlaying with US census place boundaries and those air highlighted in yellow in that snapshot. Then two thresholds were used to turn on if a census place exhibited potential high risk. And those were that the amber or red colors, which signify medium high and high potential risk. They needed to cover at least 50 acres and 0.5% at least 0.5% of the census place. If these criteria were met and either the existing condition or the future condition and that future condition includes three feet of sea level rise, you’ll see an ex under the corresponding column in the table. You can see those in the clip to the right next line, please. 22 data with an added to refine the locations that were identified into your one. So in this example, again using Northeast Florida has this data was added to the table and has this data refines potential high risk locations identified into your one by giving an approximation of the dollar damages toe assets and infrastructure? The other real bad if it of the has a state? Was it allowed teams to identify additional locations that may have significant existing or future damages from inundation? Since the House this data is available for areas outside of census places. Also in this example again, this is for Florida teams pulled on state specific information. So in this case, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is critical erosion areas, uh, where the state has identified either infrastructure. Recreational resource is wildlife habitat or cultural resource is that are at risk from erosion him, particularly for tier two, incorporating erosion into the analysis at another layer of refinement to the risk, uh, as well as identifying locations that may have significant risk. That air just driven by erosion and not so much by storms for detonation. Next life, please. Future development was also considered when we pulled some maps like this together. Over the past several months, we’ve done these for each planning reach, and the one that shone as an example on the screen is for Alabama. The maps display storm surge inundation from the 1% and 10% annual exceeding probability events, plus three feet of sea level rise. So what? The’s air showing a Zara’s inundation, their future hazard that could occur within 50 to 100 years, depending on the sea level rise? Assumptions used. These hazards were then compared to future coastal residential development projections through 2100 and those are highlighted in red. He’s came from the days I clues effort to provide, ah, high level comparison of where future development could overlap with areas inundated by storm surge. This type of information could be useful to stakeholder planning efforts as well as focus area efforts, which we’re gonna discuss more in the upcoming slides. It’s really important to note that the EPA is pointed out that I clues data does not include all local land used for planning and development considerations, so that needed to be considered when zooming into more regional and local levels. and using this type of data next line. So the evaluations I just went over over the entire sacks study area and they’re going to assist in identifying and addressing risk and all of my risk locations. A subset of those high risk locations have been compiled and to focus areas that were developed with Tier one information input from stakeholders, a swell as input that we got from stakeholders at the regional workshops in 2019 and other information. At least one focus area has been identified for each state and territory, and the selected areas are shown on the right side of the slide Focus area. Action strategies or fast will be developed for each area, and coordination with stakeholders using sacks, products and other available resource is to identify coordinated actions to reduce risk. It’s really important to note that sax is not Onley considering focus areas from from here on out high risk locations. As you all know, we’ll definitely exist outside of focus areas, and the action strategies will be used as examples of how stacks, tools and other information can use to address coastal storm risk in a variety of environments and recommendations ultimately made by the sacks are not limited only to focus areas Next line. So District PM’s are gonna provide more details on upcoming Focus area work later in this presentation, including upcoming workshops which will be held for each of the focus areas. But I just wanted to give a quick overview of the workshop structure, particularly since they were originally intended to be in personal working meetings with breakout groups kind of similar to the regional workshops which many of you attended in 2019. However, due to the travel and in person meeting limitations do cove it the workshops November broken up into three separate webinars in the structure that you see on the screen. So the first all the way to the left is a kickoff within our being scheduled for between July 6th and 17th where will present the virtual format workshop goals in some introductory material on the focus area. Within our number two will be the strategy portion of the workshop, and this will refine information that was provided it. The regional workshops also information that stakeholders have provided to date um as well as, uh, Dearing and after information provided by stakeholders during And after that initial kickoff meeting, whether or number three will be, ah, wrap up to go over the draft strategy with focus areas stakeholders. And so that’s gonna be the structure that we’re gonna have that incorporates, uh, the entire focus area workshops. And with that, I’m gonna head off to Christina May to discuss environmental components of the sex. I think it looks like we have our previous presenter. We needed toe Skip back on the line. The dream of your line is open. We can cover the economic section. Okay in. Well, hear me now. Yes, we can. We’ll get back to your time. Okay, We’re really on slide. 16. I don’t need to follow along. I’m so economic. Risks consists of depreciated replacement losses of public and private property to the coastal storm surge events. Computers using FEMA loss mitigation tools has in the past tool. Um so this includes asset structure and content valuations from the rich, characterized as expected annualized damages from a combination of 10 year on some cases for the oak honest 20 year, um, 50 year 100 year and 500 year events, all described in dollar damages from the risk is also estimated based on existing conditions and under a future sea level change conditions, um, becomes a staple expense. We estimated economic risk for all cocoa areas within the zone of influence for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. Well, a supporter week. Oh, in the US as part of the risk, the levels of spatial aggregation of the risk range from census block the census tract census place. The county planning reads state last territory, so it allows us to determine the space of distribution of relative risk. So this information, as alluded to by Matt um, used in all meaning the identification of potential high risk areas and will assist and development of focus area action strategy by comparing the risk of an area with a likely cost of risk reduction options in that area. So the graphic that you see is basically just a example of a dashboard configuration showing the distribution of dollar damage risk or just the Conus areas, with the roll ups at the top showing existing dollar damage risk, opposed a future dollar damage risk, or under a condition of sea level to change, Um, next life, please. Okay, so in terms of progress on the majors and cost library for those who are new um to fax, imagine costing library or MPO, is an array of coastal storm risk reduction measures as well as their associated costs for those measures described in a level of detail suitable for screening level coastal storm risk management planning activity. Um, so the conceptual risk framework shown here is pulled from the BR 11 05 to dash 101 where the risk of the function of hazard system performance exposed here, vulnerability and the consequences. So each of these elements should be considered as part of the Coastal Stormers management planning process. So in terms of hazards that consists of the innovation way of attacking the erosion caused by the coastal storm, that leads to the harm. And this should theoretically Mac to your description of the problem, Um, system performance deals with the configuration of the land, water interfaces of the natural environment and the development environment that determined how the hazard is gonna be managed. Your exposure describes who were what is subject to the harm, as well as where the harm is anticipated to occur. Um, for this, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the object of the desired risk reduction. Vulnerability is the susceptibility of the exposure to the harm and the consequences is essentially a description of the harm has a performance metric. So what you see from the from the graph from the okay here, um, basically entails basically measure philosophy. You can either manage the hazard terms of armor stabilizer restore the shoreline, can reduce the exposure times a buyout of retreat where you can increase the resiliency of exposure by raising, um, assets uhm wet and dry flood proofing and such. So the measures cost library consists of non structural, structural and natural in nature based feet. Options that factor in reason, location as well. This uncertainty in terms of materials and unit costs the final cost. They’re shown as total construction costs and depicted in terms of life cycle annualized terms in order to be compared with the damages that I spoke to on the previous slide. Oh, next likely. Okay, we’re on slide 18 on a measure cost library president 50. I’m include quality control of the medicine cost library, a zwelling completion of the technical write ups are new to consider you have. These considerations include better linkage of the dollar, damage risk estimates on the shoreline type, um, improved linkages of the medicine costs library and four line types, and finalize finalisation of the NCL back invitation by a contractor. Our future activities and considerations will be development of a data model linking the Tears Economic Risk estimate with the NCL development of Web tools accessible to the public to assist with screening level coastal storm risk management, planning level activities and basically the info graphics that you see on the slide basically depict the spatial distribution of dollar damage risk and Conus series at the top and the bottom infographic displays the spatial distribution of shoreline types, exposure to wave and tidal energy by state and planning. Um, um now would like to introduce Christina May, who is our environmental leader. Thanks, Audrey. Hi, I’m Christina May on the environmental lead on the study, and I work in the Baltimore Maryland District offices. I am currently on slide 25. So in the last quarterly stakeholder, Webinar, I discussed the key takeaways from the draft U. S official wildlife service planning a report for sacks since then. The report was finalized by the U. S Fish and Wildlife Service. The report provides a state by state description of the national wildlife refuges and biological resource is and habitat that are under the purview of the U. S official, while lead service that are vulnerable to sea level rise and storm activity in each state and territory located in the Sacks study area. So there were a few changes between the draft and the final report, including the addition of discussions of adaptation strategies for some of the national wildlife refuges, and I will be highlighting a few of those adaptation strategies on the next blood. So how is this information going to be used from the report? The information is currently being used in the SAC State dependency, and it will also be used in the sacks environmental analysis that I will briefly discuss in a couple of slides. Information from the report could also be used for other core studies outside of the fact the final report is located on the facts website at the link shown on your screen Next slide, please. I’m on slide 26 so I wanted to highlight a few of the out of patient strategies that U s Fish and Wildlife Service discussed in the final planning. A report, Um, so the 1st 1 is the Cape remain National Wildlife Refuge. It is a migratory bird refuge located along the coast of South Carolina. Sea level rise and worsening storm surge. Our concerns within the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge in some parts of the refuge may lose approximately half of their beach habitat. I felt one or inundation will shift some of these freshwater habitats to brackish or title communities. So, um, the recommendations included in the report include the expansion and connection of protected areas allowing for the creation of habitat corridors across the topography of the ecosystem. And these corridors world out will allow habitats to shift their ranges of storm surge. Conditions continue to change. The next example is the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. It is located along the southwest coast of Florida on the barrier island of Santa Bell, and this refuge is part of the largest undeveloped mangrove ecosystem in the United States, and the U. S Geological Sister survey has installed surface evaluation tables to measure the effects of sea level rise on mangroves and the USGS will continue to test the soil and the peat under the mangrove to determine carbon storage, re economic values, ecosystem services and future distribution and abundance. Abundance of these mangroves. And lastly, the Bombs Secure National Wildlife Refuge, which is located on the Gulf Coast near the city off Gulf Shore up Gulf Shores, Alabama. This refuge was established for the protection of migratory songbird habitat and threatened and endangered species. The refuge also protects the last remaining undisturbed beach mouth habitat found in Alabama. So through a partnership between the U. S official on life service, the Conservation Fund and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resource is 470 acres of coastal habitat was purchased and added to the National Wildlife Refuge, and this land was previously slated for residential and commercial development on to the next life, please some on Flight 27. Um, next I wanted Teoh provide a brief overview of how the fax is looking of vulnerability of environmental resource is and what we have found so far. So the facts environmental team has been working on an analysis to identify natural areas at risk to increase coastal storm damages as a result of sea level rise in each district. Environmental Team member scored the vulnerability of the natural areas in their state. Several coastal storm hazards, including storm surge inundation, salt water, inundation, erosion, a wave attack and wind, and for mapping purposes. The natural areas were placed into their appropriate Noah Seacat classes, and the sea craft classes, as well as their scores were over laid onto the cat. Five maximum of maximum footprint. And so this slide shows an example of one of the maps that was created. This map is was developed for Georgia, and a map is going to be developed for every state and territory. So as you can see for the Georgia map, as expected, Thea Austrian emergent let loose show a lower vulnerability than the evergreen or mixed forest classes. This is still a working draft. There may be some changes to these maps, so Thea other thing I wanted to mention is there also be a Web map application that will complement these maps that will allow the user to zoom in, zoom in and out of the map to get a better um, picture of the vulnerability and seek AP classes. So the next step for the environmental peen is to develop criteria into identify the environmental high risk areas. And then, um, the environmental team will present their findings at a state agency environmental workshop at the end of July. Next light, please. Someone supplied 28 to the facts. Cultural resource Is Assessment The fact cultural team is working on a qualitative analysis to identify cultural and archaeological resource is in the fact study area that are at risk to increase coastal storm damages of the result of sea level rise and these write ups will be included in the state appendices. I wanted to highlight a couple of the findings of the qualitative analysis. Um so the 1st 1 at the Ghana Cola motto, Matanzas National Estrin Research Reserve and Fort Matanzas. There were 61 recorded archaeological sites. There is a my Narcan well, and other archaeological resource is adjacent to the Toll Amata River as well as Fort Matanzas National Monument, and these are all at risk to erosion. And then the next example is at Sapelo Island, Georgia. There’s a culturally significant community located in a low elevation on the south side of the island that is susceptible to flooding from coastal storm surges that will work some with sea level rise. So these are just a couple of examples that the archaeologists have found through their qualitative analysis and the facts. Cultural team will present the rest of their findings during a state and agency cultural workshop later this summer, and now I will pass it on to Kelly logo for an engineering update. Thanks very much. This is Kelly logo on the engineering technical lead for the sacks, and I sit in the Jacksonville district with the Army Corps of Engineers. Today, I want to give a very brief update on some results that we have from the probabilistic coastal hazard analysis for Puerto Rico and the U. S Virgin Islands On this particular slide, one slide 30. The upper panel illustrates the results, which described the 100 year storm surge under present day conditions, the median surge for the entire set of safe coins for Puerto Rico and U FBI. There about 6000 of them, and it’s also important to note that they send rather far offshore. But in a general sense of the median surge reported here for all of these points is approximately one meter surges air higher along the coast as illustrated here, and you can see that the colors go up to about the three and 3.5 meter, uh, surge range for the 100 year storm. The lower panel illustrates results, which described the same type of storm that the 100 year storm and this has surged under sea level rise conditions for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Hyde scenario in 2120 which equates to 2.13 meters, approximately 70 of sea level rise. The median surge elevation for all of the safe point here is approximately three meters above present day sea levels. If you go to the next flies. So the upper panel here We wanted to look at the amplification of the 100 year storm surge under sea level rise conditions, and here you can see that regions around Aracinovo and around San Juan, as well as along the shorelines of ST Thomas and also ST John are subject. The storm surges that will be greater in the future. Not only do the local sea level rise, but also due to frictional effects will which will enhance storm surge. And typically this occurs due to frictional losses for low lying wetlands, regions that are impacted and flooded by sea level rise in the lower panel. We look at the increase in wave heights associated with the 100 year storm and found that the median wave height is increased in excess of one meter for Puerto Rico and U FBI for sea level rise conditions if you go to the next slide, which will be slide 32. Finally, we look at an examination of the increase in weight energy that arrives at the shore line, which can in turn, to work on beaches and on coastal structures. And it can be seen that wave energy will expect to be expected to increase significantly along the north coast of Puerto Rico as well as regions along the Southeast coast. In addition, there are sites along think comments John ST Croix, which can be expected to experience significant increases in ways energy. Oh, he has a complex geometry of those islands and the near Shore Beth Cemetery. So that was my brief update for some of the coastal hazard system probability analysis. Uh, for the, um, numerical model results that came out of Sea Storm. I’d like to now introduce Jennifer by water with TDM stuff to talk of it about institutional and other barriers. Great. Thank you, Kelly. So these next couple of five provide an update on some of the stakeholder feedback we received during our regional workshops held last fall. One topic of discussion that those workshops was institution other barriers that were limiting efforts and improving coastal resilience. So the feedback we received was classified into six major scenes being on the pie chart. Here you can see that the feedback was well distributed between the teams, with leadership and institutional coordination coming up most often as a noted barrier. Each of the major themes was then further sub divided into sub teams, with the top five identified, Sub seems off the listed on the slide. So this next slide shows a similar breakdown of the feedback in statistics major themes. But this time it’s separated into the individual states and territories instead of for the planning region as a whole. And this love the view of some of the geographical variance in the responses during the field workshop. We also asked participants for policy or legislative solutions to help address the identified barriers with again the top five recommendations shown on the side. A full report documenting the feedback received is one of the key facts products, and the draft should be available around the end of the year. With that got wraps up our discussion of updates to the regional products and will now move into updates from individual district. First up is going to be women. Hi, everyone. I’m Jason Glaze, Room of planner with the North Carolina Sack study. Brennan Dooley is the project manager. Has his contact information there on the slide. Uh, so this next slide, it really provides some background on what we’ve done today and where we’re headed. Last fall, we conducted ah stakeholder workshops and received a lot of feedback and input which we used greatly help us and delineating and selecting our potential focus areas for North Carolina. Since the Tier One analysis was complete, we’ve been working on here too, and we’ve been using that input for workshops. Ah, also, uh, in addition to that, using local, state and regional data set, we’ve used the here to not just identify additional high risk areas in North Carolina, but also dad layers of, uh, of potential risk. Ah, here is ah in in addition to the inundation hazard that Tier one looked at Ah, So for the state of North Carolina ah, risk areas being determined primarily via census place and through a set of specific screening criteria The purpose The sack study Ah ah, For the purposes of the study. For an area to be considered high risk, it would need to meet ah, at least one of the following criteria. The 1st 1 being if it was considered a high risk in in tier one. Ah, a second trigger would be that using the has inundation damage rating. If I had a rating of medium height a high, that would trigger a high risk area for our stay. Another trigger would be if it meets the critical erosion area threshold, um, that we’ve been developing for this study which I’ll touch on and here just a second Ah, fourth trigger. For an area to be a designated high risk North Carolina would be seasonal population, which we have assumed for all short front communities based on comparative data that we found within the state and then lastly ah, here to environmentally vulnerable areas, which, uh is in development. But that’s also being incorporated territory to analysis. That’s although there are other risk. Also identified North Carolina. Those risk I just ran through were considered significant factors in determining a higher risk of population, infrastructure and environmental cultural resource is so looking ahead. Ah, there are the, ah environmental workshops coming up that, uh, Christina just discussed Ah, we also have our focus shifts. Focus. A reaction strategy Kickoff Webinars Coming up in a couple of weeks. There’s three of them for a three focus areas, the 1st 1 being dare county, um slash Outer Banks. And that will be on Wednesday, July 15. The 2nd 1 is for the Carter at Craven Counties Focus area. That will be the next day on July 16 and then the third focus area, which is new Hanover Slash Brunswick Counties that ah, focus a reaction strategy Kickoff Web Nora beyond Friday morning, July 17. So this here just ah quickly is an example these maps to show how we went about determining our critical erosion areas for North Carolina. And what we’ve done in our state is read allies existing, ah state division of Coastal Management, a shoreline change rate data, which was just update in 2019 and ah, based off of, ah USGS report for the Mid Atlantic states, we we took an erosion rate of, uh, three foot or greater, which we were considering Higher ocean. And then we overlay that with our here one, uh, exposer ah, composite exposure, Matt, essentially say Okay. Ah, what areas not only have what we consider high erosion, but that there’s ah ah valuable resource being threatened behind that erosion, whether it’s, ah, environmental habitat or some type of population or infrastructure. And that’s an example of, ah, process went through for, uh either identifying additional high risk areas or ah adding ah kind of mawr. That’s you know what is threatening some of these areas beyond simply the inundation. The next slide, um, has a couple more maps. The one on the left the pie chart that’s from the national structure inventory database. And, as for one of our planning reaches in North Carolina, but it shows the estimated exposure value that’s at risk, uh, within the state. The map on the right is an e p. A data set, Um, the high clue status that Matt talked about earlier. But it let’s see. Ah, North Carolina projections, You know, which would show expected development over the coming decades. Um, over laid with areas of storm Sarge, risk that. It’s just ah, additional data. You know, as we look deeper into, that helps us hone in on, uh, certain areas and just paints more detailed picture of what’s going on. There’s a lot more that we want to talk about. So I really look forward to seeing you at the North Carolina Focus. A reaction strategy kickoff, webinars and couple weeks eso look forward to seeing you there. And this point, I’m gonna pass on toe Dan Perkins from South Carolina. Thank you, Jason. So, good afternoon, everyone. In a special welcome to all South Carolina stakeholders, my name is Diane Perkins, and I’m the pmm planner for the South Carolina State appendix. My email is in the lower left corner of this slide. It’s diane dot Perkins at you. Say stop army dot mil and I welcome contact regarding the South Carolina State appendix Next slide, please. Our South Carolina team has done a lot of work over the past three months. That is parallel to what’s being reported by the command team. Another district. This work is to identify places at risk of coastal storm and to identify ways that risk can be reduced Before we touch on our new work. I want to remind us of what we’ve already found and with here one Using national data set, we’ve already identified 32 places in South Carolina with existing risk at the medium height, a high level and when looking at future risk from three more places with medium high, the high level risk next slide, please. We have chosen to highlight for South Carolina today estimated exposure value and anticipated development pressure because population and infrastructure are some of the main drivers for identifying high risk areas. Shown here is as CEO tree our northern planning reach for South Carolina. You can see on the left that we already have nearly 100 and $29 billion of existing infrastructure exposed, and between the red and the blue and the pie chart that over 70% of this exposure is residential you can see on the right that there will be development pressure shown with red dots that overlaps areas at risk of coastal storm surge, which is shown in blue. This represents increased future exposure of population and infrastructure. The coastal storm Right, Next slide, please. This is a seo for our southern planning. Reach for South Carolina. I’m a left. You can see that we already have over $224 billion of existing infrastructure exposed and between the red and the blue and the pie chart that nearly 70% of this exposure is residential. You can see on the right that there will be development pressure showing with red dot and that overlaps areas at risk of coastal storm surge risk shown in blue. This represents increased future exposure of population and infrastructure to coastal storm surge risk Next life, please. So why has are here to analysis of population and infrastructure given us in terms of identifying high risk places, houses which gives infrastructure damages, has helped us identify three additional places with existing risk at the medium height, a high level, and 10 additional places with medium height, a high level risks in the future are working. Draft erosion analysis already gives us yet another nine places at medium height a high risk, and this work is still underway. Also under development without any preliminary numbers just yet are our cultural and environmental resource analyses. Even without those so far, we have already identified 22 additional places with their Tier two analyses for a current total of 57 places. That’s 39% of South Carolina’s high risk places coming from our cheer to work, which is ongoing and may identify yet more next light, please, So are way ahead. In addition to considering our cheer to analyses, we are looking forward to to focus area action strategy, um, components. This is two locations, one in the Grand Strand area and one in the troubles to Metro Area. And these are essentially example areas where we will be applying the tools and information of the study and then in the future, referencing those examples, the same tools and information can be applied by others to address the remaining areas at risk. So our focus area action strategies we’re gonna have Kickoffs in July, and those are going to be on the 15th for the Grand Strand area and the 16th for the Charles to metro area. The workshops in August and wrap wrap ups in September or October. We are a sacristy, no had mentioned. We are having more here to workshops in the near future. Also with environmental resource is for federal and state agencies, and cultural resource is with federal and state agencies. We are really looking forward to working with our South Carolina stakeholders in these upcoming workshops. So I hope I hope to see all their on our virtual reality just like today. And you’re welcome to contact me with any questions. In the meantime, that includes South Carolina. And next is April Paterson presenting Georgia. Thank you. Hi. Good afternoon, everybody. My name is April Paterson with the Savannah District, the project manager working on the Georgia Appendix to the South Atlantic Coastal Study on and I can be reached at the email below. Um, Savannah District has been working on this with all of you for about a year now, um, and ended some work leading up to that as well. Um, last June, we started with working with Tybee Island. Look at ah the current, um, Tab Yellen Shoreline Protection project. And then, in October of 2019 we met face to face with all of you for our, um, kickoff face to face meeting Tybee Island. And then following that meeting, we compiled some of the the atoms that you all talked about, um, as concerns and as potential risk areas in distant interim study recommendations. And those are draft. And we look forward to continuing to work on those with you as we review the tier one and tier to risk areas and, um, looking forward to seeing how we can address risks along the Georgia coast. And then recently in June, we met with the sand stakeholders regarding regional settlement management projects or beneficial use of of judge material in Georgia. On that, that group developed the sand available ability and needs determination, using data from local sources and also from the core. And we look forward to sharing that with everybody. Every looking at those those are sm ideas. Um, as we move forward with this with the Georgia appendix. So we’ve worked on the tier one data that we talked about back in October, it or face to face meeting, and we’ve been evaluating our Tier two data sources. Um, as Christina May mentioned, we are continuing to work on identifying those vulnerable environmental and cultural resource areas and meeting with federal and state agencies to discuss them and identify on what areas might be at risk. Georgia has to focus areas, UM one, including all of Glenn County, Brunswick, Jekyll Island and ST Simon’s Island, and one including all Chatham County, Savannah and Tybee Island. So we will have those kickoff meetings July 13th in July 14th and you should have received a save the date, if not some minimal. On the right hand side of the screen you’re seeing are Tier two data from the National Structural Inventory, um, showing exposure to structures based on different sectors and estimated exposure value of around $131 billion. And the average population at risk, um, is approximately half a 1,000,000 people explain. And as others have talked about where we use the houses, blood model toe look at high risk locations, so exposure to populations and infrastructure and what that storm risk might look like in terms of asset risk. Um, and as you can see here on a number of these census places were identified as having that risk in the metropolitan Savannah area as well. A Saint Simon’s and Brunswick in that focus area and outside of a focus area in Camden County, ST Marys, Georgia also has significant, um, high risk. So we’ll continue to work on identifying those risks. Um, combined with environmental culture resource ah, vulnerability and risk and also social vulnerability. As as we move forward with continuing this study thanks to all of you, we’ve previous slide, please. We’ve collected a number of tier two data sets from our state, local and federal partners. So the FEMA has this flood model that you’re seeing on the right. The 2013 hurricane evacuation studied up the core produce the Western Shorebird Reserve Network. The no. O. F. H. Information, the Noesi cap classes, um, the resilient coastal sites for conservation from the Nature Conservancy. Thanks to our partners at the University of Georgia, we’d we’ve captured that Nargis data, the archaeological and historical re solutions information that you saw previously, and we’ll look at here again, and the CDC information for social vulnerability taken from the 2010 senses. Next. Look so looking at how at this data, um, and how it looks on a map on the right hand column, you’ll see that Nargis data. So this is a map showing the abundance of cultural resource is along the Georgia coast in the study area, the focus in the, um in the in the reach of the Georgia 05 planning reach. And we understand that this data is is sensitive as to its specific location and what that cultural resource is, but want to get an idea of where, um, these resource is our and and how they are risk compared Teoh, other tier two and tier one data. And then on the left hand side, you’re seeing that seeks cap class data that we looked at earlier with Christina may. Um, And again, you’re looking at the exposure to different vegetation types on the left and, um, how they look with over laid with a category five maximum maximum storms. Um, and we will continue to work on this and combine different environmental resource is and identify areas at risk for, um, cultural Environmental resource is additionally, um, we are looking at social vulnerability. I don’t have a graphic to share with you today, but looking at things like the age breakdown of the population, populations that are that are seasonal or where there are these potential population growth. Um, and how you know being 65 or older may impact evacuation decisions in counties like Glenn County and Macintosh. Count me in Chatham County, where a significant port poppy portion of the population, 9% doesn’t own a vehicle and how that contributes to risk took her during coastal storms. So a little forward to talk, continuing this conversation and thank you for participating today and hearing an update about Georgia, I’ll pass it off to Ashley Felton with the Jacksonville District. Thanks. Think, people. Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Ashley Fountain and I am the project manager. More of being us for gile in Puerto Rico. On majority of the Florida Tennessee’s development, you can see my email down there at the bottom of the screen, so you need to reach you. Please just let me know we are in Hope Wing about here to evaluation has everyone else has been mentioning here, So that’s here to evaluation includes the focus area analyses. And out of the 21 focus areas for Sack, the Jacksonville district will be leading the conversation for nine of those. You can see them out to the right of the screen are five focus areas with Florida in the Jacksonville district and to each for Porter ego in the U. S. B I. As Matt mentioned earlier, we’ll be having a series of virtual workshops of in the next two months with kick off workshops right on the corner. The Jacksonville district. Those will be taking place from July night through July 17. And at these workshops will be fact checking and building upon her here to analyses. Today, I’m going to preview what we’ve been up to you since we last convened. So in the next slide, thank you. Like I said, we’ve been building on our overall cheer to analyses. I know you’ve seen a table or a version of it previously today. So here to analysis again is more than just the focus areas. This is a snapshot in Florida here to list of high risk places. It’s the working draft, as you can see. But the Colonel preliminary numbers show that there are 742 high risk areas from those tier one and tier two. So breaking that down a little bit not 263 cents of places that are high risk in the existing conditions from here. One, 379. Sense of places or high risk in the future. Condition with sea level. Rise from here one so that 116 additional places from sea level rise. And that’s just the Florida. So to here, too. We concluded through habits and for the critical, critically eroded areas that there are an additional 5700 applications using the critical illusion layer and has a provided or contributed an additional 43 locations of hybrids that has this data was also really helpful for defining the boundaries for focus areas. That was really great to help that, um, and collectively looking at the big picture of all of these are tier one and Tier two. It really helped us to a spine are problems statement on our appendix and our draft problem statement for our focus areas. Exide, in addition to what is being that I looked through. Stocks are study teams are also taking into account other efforts going on in our region. As you may know, the Jack Naval District has quite a lift and the supplemental coastal studies going on right now, So much so that we’ve enlisted help another court jester and I’ve been out. How are we all? How are all of these ongoing study team coordinating with each other? You can see the Miami Dade draft report. It was just released recently. Um, and I think if you click another slide, go if you it’s animated. Oh, wait. Sorry. Go back clean. Okay, so you’ve got to my any day you’ve got the Puerto Rico. We’ve got a lot of studies going on right now within our region. No. One of the six fact goals being toe leverage condoms, stakeholder efforts on We’re kind of required to do that. So I just want to recap a few ways of how we are leveraging other ongoing stakeholder efforts, Specifically the supplemental actions. Right now, the next year, one respect us Mongia portal has been used by a number of the feasibility study teams to refine and validate study areas. There’s really helpful. Teoh you control It was really helpful to rapidly identify areas of potential risk. And specific examples include the Miami Back They Feasibility Study Team, which is the fact here one to verify potential at risk areas for their alternative analysis. The portal. Equal Coastal Former Management Studies being used. The Baxter one for screening the focus on the higher potential areas. The San Juan Natural Study team used the Tier one to verify social vulnerability within high storm surge risk areas. And they SAM on Metro Back Bay Team. Also used add circuit STB data from factoid. Have areas for storm here to risk someone lost. Example. Has this data was generated? Has data from Zacks was used by the Miami Dade Coastal Stormers Management Study team to help identify potential risk areas for Key Biscayne. So these are the ways that teams are using tax data, but in many cases, taxes attempting. Teoh pick up. Yeah, where those study teams had to do some spring how at time, um and then pick up and go and run from that point next slide. So, like this life says information exchange internally and externally, um, we have been having information exchange externally as well, so even in the midst of a global pandemic. There I just have on the screen a few. They call the products that we have learned into a coordination recently in this virtual age over the past several months, the 1st 1 is the Northeast Florida Regional Council Building community. Was going tooled Really useful? Truell. How do you think? Well, pull into our focus area analyses. The next one is the and I’m on slide 54 Right now. The next one is the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. Feel rising storm surge viewers of Volusia County. She’s another great tool that we could use her focus area on these air exactly the kinds of products, But we’re looking for cheer to analysis, so even if you’re not on the focus area, we can pull these into Are here, too, this slide in the next light or just previews to additional analyses being conducted by our Amazing Project delivery teams. This table represents appear to analysis underway for Southeast Florida again working draft. But we’re taking available information and that that key to point out there available information from the South Florida Water Management District on their title control structure and doing Ah, preliminary evaluation of one of the structures will potentially be vulnerable to sea level rise. The title control structures represented interface of the South Atlantic coastal study limits and the central and Southern Florida project. So this table of our team is making the connection between those two very large effort and the sea level rise Projections will be in line with the curb used by the regional stakeholders. Next slide. This is my last slide. I just wanted to close with a couple of draft map from the Puerto Rico and the U. S Virgin Islands. Environmental analyses better underway by Christina May and then burn the whole team from the fact study area of a fool has many involved. Vulnerable environmental resource is but the two territories being not they are islands have some unique environmental resource is that are particularly vulnerable to coastal. Storm of peripheral field will rise. So I wanted to point out I look forward to continuing the dialogue with you all and diving into the development of our focus. Very action strategies. But our workshops get coming off next month. Thank you. That will for me on the MEREDITH blow dart internationally. Uh, good afternoon, everyone. My name is MEREDITH Lagarde. I am the project made in Trooper for the Tax TT in Mobile. And we’re developing the Mississippi and Alabama State upon the seas as well as providing support to actually in her team for any information that I need it for the for Nepean usual next life. All right, Just a quick status update. We did provide ah update when we had the last quarterly webinar. And since then, we completed our initial tear to risk analysis as well as we told our fans they call the workshop in mobile last week on. So kind of coming up is, um, additional information on the part of our gear to analysis, including evaluating, um, are vulnerable environmental culture resource is and coordinating that our federal agencies that Christina Mission, we are going to have a good bar cultural, uh, workshop later in July on. And then we also have our focus Syria action strategy meetings, uh, or mobile district. So we have to in the Mississippi, a Gulf port, a lucky one in Pascagoula, one Western Mogul Bay and then to the Florida Panhandle. 12 it bangle County, Florida and the other to include, um, the Pensacola, uh, England all the way essentially to Destin area. Focus serious. These air going to be scheduled for the week of July, 13th to the 17th and the first initial meetings will be shorter. 90 minutes, all virtual and then our second follow up a more detailed workshops. Are there going to be the first week of August? So you should have invited for those of you fall within one of our focus period. You’re like, right, um, so this is kind of highlights of civil information that we see from the other team. Um, the notes are high risk areas based on the existing as well as with teachers. See level rise. One of the important really items to note idea now that we had was that ah, lot of the additional tier two data that were used, including has the damage is confirmed. Um, of what we evaluated in tier Juan in areas that were identified as media movie of high risk were essentially equivalent based on some of the has damage information that we have or often found to be very harassed. Many of these areas are included within one of our focus areas. However, for example, like on a beach Ah, the high risk area not included in one of the biggest Syria action strategy. But, um, the products that we are producing part of fact as well as some of the sample strategies that are gonna be available, for example, in the Alabama state of Tennessee can be replicated by some of these other areas that were not able to be included in a very next life. So this is kind of a highlight of some of the environmental work that we completed. So far, we have matched essentially critical habitat areas for this is what the Alabama, Florida, Um, and a lot of these I think the key and marginal areas are also from falling within our focus areas. So we know we have surgeons of the hill crane piping floors. Things like that are key CDs. Um, that we’re looking at the second stuff that’s being completed, it completing the vulnerability analysis and identifying those priority environmental areas that are gonna be coordinated with input from our federal and state partners next lives. Um, so in Alabama Ah, very similar. Christina mentioned that we do have, Ah, one of the key while impressions from bones the core, um, which has to do with the last, you know, undisturbed. A beach mouth habitat, Um, that we’ve identified here. Next slide. There we go. Thank you. On this is the Panhandle Florida area. We’ve identified with critical habitat supporting piping blow over in gulf sturgeon. And many of these areas also happened to fall within one of our focus areas, Um, moving for and that we’re going to have this target in meetings. So we do appreciate everybody’s time and the workshops that we have had in the precipitation that we’ve received. If you have any questions for me, um, regarding any of this information, please. Dio reached out. Ah, and we look forward to continuing toe working with you along a study. Thanks so much, Pam. Over to you. All right. MEREDITH, thank you so much. Um, now, that was a lot of great information, and I really like to thank our study team for providing everybody with such a comprehensive update. But I also know it’s a lot to absorb and kind of rapid fire. So at this point, I’d like to encourage everybody to please take a closer look at our Geo portal and our Web page, where you can move through some of our study products at your leisure and I walk through this presentation is, well, at your own pace. We are always looking for feedback for your feedback to ensure that you know our analyses air pretty much on point on our practical application not just the core, but for you as well. Um, leverage all the good work that you or your organization or your agency has completed. So again, please don’t have to take to provide your feedback reaching out to any of us either to the taxi mailbox or directly by all the team contact information that’s in the presentation as our district project managers just kind of wrapped up talking about up next, we’re really looking forward to a series of focus area workshops and all of our states and territories supporting the development of detailed, focused area action strategies. Well, a state agency workshops for agency collaboration on in crop progress, assessment of vulnerable environmental and cultural resource is our proposal program God development. We’ll get underway towards the, uh, this coming December as we round the corner into the new year, we’re gonna be working toe aggregate our analyses and report product moving toward publication of the full draft report package next October. Um, that was that. I’d again I’d like to thank everybody for attending this update today and for all of your good questions, but he coming in through the chat, I’m gonna turn the mic back over to Jenny so we could get some of those questions before we wrap up again. Any questions that we don’t get to? We’ll make sure we provide responses two and post on our webpage. Thanks. Thank you, Pam. As you mentioned, we have received quite a few questions. Thank you, everyone for submitting those, and we’ll go back toe kind of the start a Z Questions came in as you move through a presentation. So there’s kind of a series on the sand effort. Play if you want to open your line. One of the first question was on who attended those beyond stakeholder meetings. What kind of stakeholders were they? And if reports for what was discussed and down that the individual meetings would be available. Okay, So the people that attended the stakeholder meetings, we developed a stakeholder group of more technical stakeholder group, looking at town owners and municipalities that knew specific information about the beach nourishment projects. And so we focused on them. And then we expanded it out to some others within the tax free. And so what was discussed? If you looked on the slide, there was an FTP site to pull about the presentation. And so the information that will be available to you is the presentation themselves, which looks at every county throughout the specific state or district and then on and shows the result as faras discussion. We had a little bit of discussion. We do have some internal meeting notes, but we don’t plan to post this. There was some additional questions still in that same topic in terms of how is sand within a three mile boundary protected for local nourishment projects compared to outside the three mile boundary. So the Corps of Engineers does not regulate the use of sand, Uh, would not permit it. And so three miles is obviously in most cases is the state and federal boundary, and so inside of three miles the state makes those decisions and then outside of three months, is made by the federal government and bone. So we are not going to discuss that. Um, this would not have the discussion about protecting projects with locals or anything like that at all in sandstone. Uh, then I think one more question for you for the time being, um, related. Probably the question above. Was there any chance of non United States forces such as the Bahamas truly be a part of the recommendation? Lower costs and broadened sources. Not at this point. You know, um, a dream. There was a question, I think on your economic section on Is this economic information available now, or is it coming from the information is, for the most part, it’s complete. It needs to be updated and at some items added to it, um, in order to release it to the public. So that would make it easier to digest. The overall plan is to release it to the public, but they’re still a few items like to add to it. Okay. And I think the next one could deny many was for you. With the year round dredging proposed, um, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife service. Um, I’m assuming they’re talking about the planning and report the adaptation strategy discussions. I did not see anything regarding dredging in the discussions. Kelly hasn’t There’s a few that her Pam, did you have additional information there? Yeah, I was just kind of got add in there, Jenny around dredging. You know, as we’re at this stage, you know, taxes not is not recommending specific projects for implementation, but you around dredging. I think as a strategy is something that certainly maybe even under regional sentiment management, um, strategies is something that the sacks certainly could take a look at and consider it an overall context relative to how effective that type of an approach would be. Um, towards reducing risk in and, um, optimizing regional settlement management actions and activities. It would not be something that we dissect team would go back to Fish and Wildlife Service and proposed it would be something that we could maybe identify as a strategy and lay out the logic four. And then, uh, hopefully, maybe through the sacks platform, get the dialogue started relative to that of a concept. But, um, that’s just kind of a general response on, I think. What the question might have been on you around. Tragic, helpful contact. Thank you. Um, Kelly, there’s a few that came in from your presentation on the coastal hazard. Okay, one question. Waas. Will the methodology apply Puerto Rico wave analysis be performed for Florida? Yeah, and I believe it’s for you’ll performer for the whole plan in areas that correct. Correct. It would be performed for the whole A o are at present. They’re still running. See storm and the need to do it. Do the throwing probabilistic analysis for the South Atlantic and then we’ll be doing that for the Gulf of Mexico. There’s a few additional questions. One is Do the higher wave and storm surge heights assume losses. Tidal wetland with sea level rise. Yeah, the title wetlands that are below In this particular instance, seven feet above MSL for the center of the most recent title epic, which is 1992. If those areas are inundated, it consumed that they’re locked Teoh sea level rise. And then there’s a question on the water surface elevation. The question was in reference to West Adam and then there was also kind of a suggestion on using 100 year storm language. Um, and it might cause some confusion in terms of communicating risk. Okay. Um, so, yes, the model and the outputs right now are relative to mean sea level, which is centered at the 1992. This is the latest title epic. No. Big abducted in are expecting 2022. So at this point, it’s 1992 epic MSL. Um, and then the 100 year flood. Yeah. Maybe that would be a good discussion toe. Have, um we’re very used to the FBI s that he’s in that language from our, um, flood map hazards, but it might be something to explore in the in the, uh, focus area workshops. What did the keep in mind? There wasn’t one more question. I’m not sure, but relates view. But it Woz, uh, this week did stakeholders good download the model output in terms of waves? Right. So on the VHS website, um, users will be able to download the annual students probabilities in terms of ah water levels. Policies should be converted any VT 88 once they’re on the website, um, also wave characteristics that will have them for president mean sea level, which again is centered at this recent epic to 1992. Um, they will be able to download them for two cases of sea level rise. In addition, you’ll be able to get hydrographic for the, um, mean sea level again centered in 1992 and also for field two instances of sea level rise so you’ll be able to get the hydra graphs for each of those storms and the next thing that still needs to be calculated, or the nominee residuals that we’re showing in the areas around. Poor example Ari zero, where you’ll have changes in the, um, the quality in the output of the storm magnitude in and of itself just due to correctional effects. And, um, so that will be available once the data are posted onto the CHS, which it may not happen until at least a year from now. Thanks, Kelly. Our next question came in specifically for Jason in the Wilmington district, but I have a feeling that is the good information kind of for all stakeholders. The question was, if there was kind of a list available of stakeholders invited the Focus area meetings and if others would be able to attend one or more of the focus group meeting, um, Hammer. Matt, I don’t know if you want a dress kind of clinical study area or, um, Jason wants to speak just to North Carolina. I would say I would have Jason, North Carolina, since that’s where the question was originally yet. Hi. We have pretty extensive stakeholder list for each of the focus areas that if you’re lying to attend ah, one of the meetings and you’d be more than welcome. I’m trying to think the best way I saw your name, but I wasn’t sure what ah agency or group he might be with. But, um, if we can get your contact information Ah, and you could be added to the stakeholder group. I don’t know if there’s a specific Ah, focus. Their meeting. You’re more interested. Uh, but whatever the best way is to get your contact information extend invitation to okay, least I don’t know recommendations. Danny, I was just gonna follow up on Jason’s, uh, Yemen and elaborate at your suggestion on the whole study. So each district is has developed a list of key supporters within each focus area to initiate the dialogue and the coordination of the collaboration. If you believe you will fall into that category and you’re located, oh, having a significant interest in one of those focus areas, then my recommendation would be that you reach back to the district project manager and, ah, and initiate that coordination relative to your interest in any particular focus. All right, there’s a similar question for the upcoming Environ mental mediums, whether they would be open do non profit organizations as well as the state and federal agencies. Um, this is Christina. Um, I am not sure about that. Something will have to talk to you the team about It’s a Christina just following up on on that as well. We can certainly have a dialogue on on that. The intention purpose of those agency coordination workshops is to take, of course, the great analysis that you and and the environmental sub team have pulled together relative to vulnerable environmental resource is and share those with state and federal agency partners and kind of start Teoh get some of that feedback incorporated in kind of finalising the draft analyses as we look next year towards posting that draft report. If there are NGOs that up that, you know want to participate in that I think that that we would welcome that, Um, again, we’re really looking that those were very your team is about to embark on some fairly technical, um, discussions relative to that vulnerability analysis. So, to that extent, I think if you are with an NGO, you have an interest. Um, in those workshops, please reach out to Christina directly. And we could go from there. Thank you. Um, what the, uh I saw there was a cover I was seeing If there was other related questions. Um, there is one question on, Well, stakeholder meetings be husbanded for remote participation in my understanding is, they all are happening remotely. Is that correct, Pam? I’m sorry, Jenny. I was inadvertently talking over. Do you? What was your question? Ah, it was just confirming that stakeholder, All these stakeholder meetings that have been discussed, I have seen both focused area and environmental and cultural workshops. Are they happening remotely? Are available for remote participation? Uh, they are in light of Kobe 19. We had originally intended on having those workshops face to face. Ah, and we have transitioned those inter virtual platforms. So those focus area workshops will be held by a webinar and will be a completely remote Ah, a couple of their questions. One is well tax attempt to quantify the timber asset value at risk in the vulnerability areas. I’m to add the other xmm economic analysis being done who want to take that question. You know, I know that your team is considering, um the economic importance of some of the environmental resource is in ultimately and identifying at risk resource is correct. I don’t know that that means you really wanna use. But anyway, all right, Yes. So to the extent that timber resources, I would say at this point in fact does not have a scope element where we were going to try to capture the monetary value of timber resource is, however, if timber resources are an environmental resource at risk in a focused area, those focus areas will be looked at in some detail. So I think there may be an option, um, more granular on that analysis within focus. There was also a question on that. There was no kind of discussion today on sea level rise related saltwater intrusion and tax on awkward third or biodiversity. I assume the question, if that might be incorporated into some of the analysis, do my best to answer there, um, as faras saltwater intrusion impact and aqua furs. For at least the fact environmental announces, we’re not looking at the impact aquifer. Um, we defined environmental resources for Saks is basically natural areas or habitat. Um, so we’re not gonna be looking at what? Water intrusion and aqua furs. Jenny, this is Matt. I just like that. To add to that for overall, the sax authority and guidance direct us to look at coastal’s form. Damages increased by sea level rise. So overall crystals formed damages and their increase with steel arises is what the sacks and its components are focusing on, um, saltwater intrusion, uh, or any potential hazard. That’s mainly sea level rise based on the silver ized based etcetera. Uhm, maybe discussed by the focus is going to be on coastal storm damages and how they increase with sea level rise. So saltwater intrusion may be one of those maybe kind of discussed in different ways, but won’t necessarily be one of the focuses that’s it. And that’s helpful to kill. Um, there’s a few dozen clarifications to some of the previous, um, back to injuries just in terms of really verifying that timeline for release of the economic information to the public. Do you mind, baby? And how that might come out again? Well, have Teoh comport with our geo taking lead on the when we can get all of the finalized numbers incorporated And when they perform at that would come in terms of being with vegetables to the public damages overall men, you know, taking a rough stab at it, I would say within the next few months would be with holy big early. Yeah, the goal. And then there was one follow up for you, Pelleas. Well, in terms of why do you assume wetlands below seven seat will disappear in the Mahdi’s modeling? Those planned modeling show that these areas will be unable to keep up with the level rise. Not sure. Yeah, we haven’t, um we have not used ah marsh equilibrium model for the sea storm. So as far as, um, areas that were seven feet Ah, less than positive. Seven feet. MSL those areas with the inundated in the model domain is helpful. Yeah, we’ve about reached the end of our questions. Um, I know it sounds like a lot of people are kind of sending in the information in terms of being interested in the focus area workshop. Um, please do also include your affiliation. And what area of the study you might be most interested in? Feel free to commit your information here. But also, um, I will just go to this next live. Um, as mentioned, the cause will be posted on the fax web page. You can see that listed here in the kind of top left hand corner of the slide. Um, and you can reference this, um left live, which includes everybody’s title and email address to reach out her final communication. Unless anybody else sees kind of a question that came in that they know they wanted to answer, I think some kind of black up our time today him. Do you have any last words? Uh, again, Jenny, I thank you for your assistance in facilitating our discussion today. And I want everybody for participating on this webinar. So again. Thank you. We value your input. Continued dialogue with us. So please reach out to us and we will be coming back to you through the same platform in three months to give you another update. Well, that concludes our webinar today, and we look forward to you joining us next quarter.