Dragoon Ready 20: MAJ Joseph (French Army analyst) – Interview

MAJ Joseph talks about what his units role is during Dragoon Ready 20. Joseph also discusses working alongside U.S. Army Soldiers and the knowledge exchange between the French and the Americans.
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Yes. We’ve been deployed since two days on the Hohenfels training area with the tank company. We’re currently deployed in the defensively out towards the east expecting the enemy. So, the tank and BMP enemies coming to us to attack and to seize (mumbles) south of our position.

The purpose of the exercise is basically an integration of the French battalion to see all the second cavalry regiment. To improve the interoperability of those two units. French and U.S. units. The (mumbles) is a good opportunity for the French regiment to train with these tanks.

JMRC is a training area with U.S. soldiers whose job is to make people improve their skills in terms of tactics and interoperability. I think it’s a good place with an interesting area, a ground in the box to make people maneuver and to improve their tactical skills.

The main difference is the interoperability of framework I would say. That’s the first difference. The other difference is that at JMRC you are training from the brigade level to the platoon level. Where in France we usually train the levels separately on the ground. With instrumentation we usually train all level together. In the box on the ground, on the field we usually do it separately. At the National Training Center where I’m serving we only focus on the company level.

[Interviewer] So much more concentrated, smaller type?

Yes. But another difference is that at the National Training Center we focus also on the combined arms combat. Where as here, probably because of the exercise, my company commander doesn’t have any common arms support elements such as artillery or engineer. All of them are at the battalion level. There is not many coordination unless specifically on certain points between the French and the U.S. support elements.

That’s important because we are supposed to be prepared to be engaged in operation in the coordination frameworks. That’s important that our process are drilled together. It’s important that we can train before going in operation together.

Actually, it’s my first experience and it’s an interesting experience to work with you. I’ve been working with the Germans sometimes. But it’s my first time with the U.S.

It’s interesting. We were very well welcome so I appreciate it. We’ve been able to see all your processes. You are very open to us. We have some lessons to draw from this and also we can bring you some lessons also from our experience in the National Training Center.

Well, I think it’s a good experience for everybody. Either for the French battalion to be able to work with the vehicles in a joint framework. Also, for me as an observer, as a controller in France, to draw lessons from JMRC and maybe to give some way we work also to JMRC. On both sides I think it’s an interesting exercise. The area is very interesting with big hills which is difficult to navigate for the vehicles. It’s good area.

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