We Sent a Sailor

This is a video product using images collected from Navy.mil and Naval Heritage and History Command and free use background audio from YouTube Free Audio Library. The narration, script, editing and conception was by MC3 MacAdam Kane Weissman. The video captures that the Navy has been sending sailors since the birth of the nation.

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When tyranny tried to rule, and a newborn nation faced an empire. We sent a sailor. When a battle for human rights tore families apart, when brothers fought each other. We sent a sailor. When an empire rose to try and take over the world. We sent a sailor. And, when they again, we sent a sailor, again. We needed a soul that could heave the lines, hoist a anchor, raise the sails, climb the masts, and ride out the storm, but also kind enough to reach out to save those who had lost all hope. We sent a sailor. When the hurricanes breached, and the tsunamis rose and levees broke, those from around the world lost everything. We sent a sailor. When enemies of freedom attacked without warning, taking our family and friends, and attempting to break the will of a nation. We sent a sailor. When we needed someone to cross the mountains, the oceans and sky, and to never quit, to reach out like a whisper in the dark, to bring justice to those that hurt our nation. We sent a sailor. When we needed someone who could kiss their children goodbye And leave their families for months on end, someone who would miss birthdays, graduations, weddings and holidays, just so they could work a 18 hour day and turn to the shipmate next to them, smile, and do it all over again, 7 days a week. We sent a sailor. When we needed somebody to stand watch while others slept soundly in their beds, never knowing if the threats that lurked in the shadows. We sent a sailor. When there was a need. We sent a sailor. For 244 years. We sent a sailor. We will always. Send a sailor.

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