The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
How is Jesus the Word of God?
What can we learn about Jesus’ pre-existence from the beginning of John’s Gospel?
If there is only one God, how could the Word be God?
As John opens his Gospel, what do we learn about the creative work of Christ?
How was the life in Jesus the light of men?
Why could the darkness not overcome the light?
John was a man sent from God. How did John bear witness to the light? How could all believe through John? If John wasn’t the light, why would he bear witness to the light?
The true light gives light to everyone. How? Does this mean that the true light gives light even to those who reject him?
If the world was made through him, how could the world not know him?
Why did his own people not receive him?
Those who did accept him were able to become children of God. What blessings are available to the children of God? These children are not “of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”
- How are the children of God not born of blood?
- How are the children of God not born of the will of the flesh?
- How are children of God not born of the will of man?
- How are children of God born of God?
When did the Word become flesh and dwell among us? What did we learn from the Word’s becoming flesh and dwelling among us? Would you have liked to have been able to see Jesus when he walked upon the earth? Why or why not?
How could Jesus have been before John? Wasn’t John older than Jesus
In what way(s) have we received “grace upon grace?”
When was the law given through Moses? Why was there a need for a better way? How is Jesus’ way a better way? How did grace and truth come through Jesus Christ?
If no one has ever seen God, how did Moses see God’s back or how did Isaiah see the Lord in the temple?
In what way(s) did Jesus make God known?