The Rich in This Present Age (1 Timothy 6:17-19)
Who are the rich in this present age? Would you consider yourself rich? Why or why not? Do you think you might be richer than most in the people of the world?
- Might that give you privileges others don’t have?
- Might that give you responsibilities others don’t have?
Why would the rich be tempted to be haughty?
Why would the rich be tempted to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches?
What steps do we need to take to set our hope on God?
How can we enjoy the things God has given us without putting our hopes in them?
The rich are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, and to be ready to share. What are some good things the rich needed to do? What is the difference in doing good and being rich in good works? Why would Timothy need to remind the rich that they were to be generous?
- Wouldn’t this have been natural for them?
- Have you had the privilege of knowing generous rich people?
- What did you learn from watching these people?
- Why should the rich in this present age be generous?
- Why do the rich need to be ready to share?
- When might they know when they need to share?
- Might there be times that they should not share?
Why do the rich need to do good, be rich in good works, be generous, and ready to share in order to store up a treasure for themselves? What is the treasure they can store up for themselves? Which treasure is greater? Why?
So many concern themselves with setting up a nest egg for the future, but Paul says that doing good, being rich in good works, being generous, and being ready to share allows one to lay up a good foundation for the future. What is that foundation? Why is that foundation good?
What is truly life? Did Paul imply that the life we currently have is not truly life? What is the difference between this life and the life to come?