The Mystery of Godliness (1 Timothy 3:14-16)
Why would Paul hope to come to Timothy soon?
Why did Paul write this epistle? Why does one need to know how to behave in the household of God? How does one behave well in the household of God? How does one behave improperly in the household of God?
Why might Paul have been delayed?
If God were inspiring Paul to write this epistle, wouldn’t Paul have known whether or not he would be delayed?
What might the terminology “the household of God” teach us about the church? What is the significance that the household of God is the church of the living God? How is the church the pillar and buttress of the truth?
How can we confess a mystery?
When was Jesus manifested in the flesh? What did Jesus’ manifestation in the flesh allow him to do? How are our Christian lives affected by Jesus’ manifestation in the flesh?
In what way(s) was Jesus vindicated by the Spirit?
When was Jesus seen by angels?
When was Jesus proclaimed among the nations? What did this proclamation entail? Who made this proclamation?
How was Jesus believed on in the world? Did everyone believe in Jesus? If some did not believe, how could Paul write that Jesus was believed on in the world?
When was Jesus taken up in glory?