The Lord’s Youthful Servant (2 Timothy 2:22-26)
Timothy needed to flee youthful passions. What are youthful passions? What steps could Timothy take to flee youthful passions?
Why did Timothy need to pursue righteousness? What does righteousness look like in the life of a Christian? How can the Christian pursue righteousness?
Why did Timothy need to pursue faith? What does faith look like in the life of a Christian? How can the Christian pursue faith?
Why did Timothy need to pursue love? What does love look like in the life of a Christian? How can the Christian pursue love?
Why did Timothy need to pursue peace? What does peace look like in the life of a Christian? How can the Christian pursue peace?
How can one call on the Lord from a pure heart?
Timothy needed to have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies. Why not? How are controversies foolish? How are controversies ignorant?
How did Timothy know that foolish, ignorant controversies breed quarrels?
Why can the Lord’s servant not be quarrelsome? If the Lord’s servant cannot be quarrelsome, why does it seem that so many Christians like to quarrel? How can the Lord’s servant avoid being quarrelsome?
Why must the Lord’s servant be kind to everyone? How did Jesus show kindness? How can the Lord’s servant show kindness?
Why must the Lord’s servant be able to teach? What might be the connection between an overseer’s need to be able to teach and the Lord’s servant’s need to be able to teach? How can the Lord’s servant be able to teach?
Why must the Lord’s servant patiently endure evil? What are some biblical examples of those who patiently endured evil? How can the Lord’s servant patiently endure evil?
Why must the Lord’s servant correct his opponents with gentleness? What are some biblical examples of those who corrected their opponents with gentleness? How can the Lord’s servant be gentle as he corrects his opponents?
God may perhaps grant these opponents repentance which would lead to a knowledge of the truth. If the opponents need repentance, does that not imply that Timothy was right and they were wrong? Would it not be greatly egotistical for Timothy to think that he was right and his opponents were wrong? How can the Lord’s servant be certain that when he faces opponents that he is right?
How does God grant repentance? If God grants repentance, does that not remove man’s part in removing himself from sin? “God may perhaps grant them repentance.” Might God not grant these opponents repentance? If God doesn’t grant people repentance, how can he hold them responsible for their sins? In what way(s) does repentance lead to knowing the truth?
How does repentance involve coming to one’s senses? How might the Prodigal Son’s experience explain the connection between repentance and coming to one’s senses? How can people today come to their senses?
What is the snare of the devil? How do people find themselves captive to do his will? How can someone escape the snare of the devil?