Some Will Depart from the Faith (1 Timothy 4:1-5)
“The Spirit expressly says….” Did the Spirit say some things which were not expressly stated? If he did express some truths in not such clear terms, how can we trust anything we read in Scripture?
“In the later times….” Are we living in the later times? If so, when did the later times begin? How might you know whether or not we’re living in the later times? What might be some signs of the later times?
Some would depart from the faith. Do we see people departing from the faith today? If so, is this an indication that we are living in the later times? What are some examples of people departing from the faith? How can one “depart from the faith?”
In what way(s) does one devote himself to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons? What are deceitful spirits? What are the teachings of demons?
Does the phrase “the insincerity of lairs whose consciences are seared” indicate that some knowingly teach error? Why would someone knowingly teach error? How can we know when someone is a sincere liar?
- Is Paul calling people names here?
- Is it very Christian to call people names?
How can one have a conscience seared?
- How might we know when we are in danger of having our consciences seared?
- How might you know when you have a conscience which has been seared?
- How can we keep our consciences from being seared?
- How might you know when someone else’s conscience has been seared?
These liars would forbid marriage and require abstinence from certain foods. Does that sound like any religious groups of which you are aware? Why would some forbid marriage? Why would some require abstinence from certain foods?
God created foods to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. Why should we receive our foods with thanksgiving? How should we express our thanksgiving for our food? Does the mention of those who believe and know the truth indicate that those who are not Christians should not receive their food with thanksgiving?
Everything created by God is good. If everything is good, why did God prohibit certain foods under the Law of Moses? If everything is good, why do some things not taste good?
Nothing is to be rejected. Does this mean that we should eat anything set before us? What about cultural foods (e.g., ants, grasshoppers, horses, etc.) which are eaten in some parts of the world? Should we eat those things, too?
Food is made holy by the word of God and prayer. What is the difference between holy and unholy food? How does the word of God make food holy? How does prayer make food holy?