The Beatitudes Not on the Mount
When we talk about the “Beatitudes,” we generally talk about the ones from the Sermon on the Mount. Tonight, we’re going to look at “Beatitudes” in the Book of Revelation.
Blessing for Those Who Hear and Do, Revelation 1:3
John pronounced a blessing on those who read and those who heard his prophecy. The Jews would often gather to hear Scripture read-the Christians continued this practice. Not everyone could read and so someone needed to be selected as a “reader.” This shows John considered his book Scripture-only Scripture could be read in church. This shows the people needed to know what John wrote.
The second blessing is for those who keep what is written in the book. It doesn’t do anyone any good to know what Scripture says but not to do it. James 1:22-25.
Blessing for the Dead, Revelation 14:13
Those who die in the Lord shall be blessed. The Book of Revelation was written to encourage saints to be faithful in persecution. This would be encouragement-even though they might have to die for the faith, they would be blessed. Not all the dead are blessed-only those who die “in the Lord.”
They are blessed because:
- They will rest from their labors-they won’t endure any more persecution.
- Their works follow them-God will remember their faithfulness.
Blessing for Those Who Watch, Revelation 16:15
Jesus says that he is coming as a thief. His coming is unannounced-No signs. No one knows when this coming is-regardless of what people say.
Blessed are those who
- Watch: We must watch, i.e., be alert, because we do not know when he is coming. Matthew 25:13.
- Keep their garments.
Blessing for Those Invited to the Marriage Feast, Revelation 19:9
This is the consummation of Jesus’ marriage to his bride, the church. Oriental weddings lasted several days, and the marriage supper played an important role. The church is the bride of Christ (cf. Eph 5:25). This is in contrast to the harlot in Revelation.
We, as Christians, are invited to this feast.
These are the true sayings of God. There can’t be a false saying of God! This is true-you can take it to the bank.
Blessing for Those Who are Resurrected, Revelation 20:6
Those who share in the first resurrection are blest. First resurrection refers to restoration (cf. Ezek 37:11-13). Those who are faithful share in the first resurrection.
- Second death has no power. The second death refers to hell (Rev 21:8). Those who are faithful will not go there!
- They shall be priests of God and of Christ. All Christians are priests; there isn’t a special priesthood. Therefore, we can go directly to God in prayer.
- They shall reign a thousand years. We reign through prayer. Revelation 8:3-5.
Jesus says he is coming quickly. His coming refers to his coming against the Roman Empire. He says, “I’m coming in judgment, so be ready.”
Jesus blessed those who do the words written in this book. This is not merely knowing the book. Doing is important.
Blessing on Those Who Do His Commandments, Revelation 22:14
Jesus blesses those who do his commandments.
They have the right:
- To the tree of life. The tree of life first appears in Genesis and reappears in Revelation. The tree of life is no longer kept from man. We won’t have to die-we’ll have the right to the tree of life.
- To enter the city by the gates. This was the only way into ancient cities. We can’t break into the city.
This sermon was originally preached by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr., at the Owingsville church of Christ in Owingsville, Kentucky.