Sermon on Acts 2:22-36 | What God Has Done Through Jesus

Jesus Christ

What God Has Done Through Jesus (Acts 2:22-36)

“All hail the pow’r of Jesus name! Let angels prostrate fall! Bring forth the royal diadem And crown Him Lord of all!”

God has done wonderful things through his Son! It is through Jesus that God saved the world. Peter’s message on Pentecost is what God did through Jesus.

  • The Holy Spirit fell on the Twelve.
  • Peter defended himself and the other apostles against the accusation that they were drunk.
  • He said that their speaking in tongues was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit prophesied by Joel.

Peter then tells what God did through Jesus. This sermon is really about Jesus. Yet, Peter over and over refers to God; Peter’s sermon really is “What God Did Through Jesus.”

What God Did Through Jesus on Earth, vv 22-28

God attested Jesus by mighty deeds.

God attested Jesus, i.e., he pointed him out. He did this through the various miracles Jesus did. These miracles were done in the presence of people. Peter said, “As you yourselves know.” The people at Pentecost knew the type of miracles Jesus did—Jesus did not do his miracles in secret.

God delivered him.

God delivered Jesus according to his definite plan and foreknowledge. God had a plan for Jesus. That plan was that he would die for the forgiveness of our sins. The cross was not an accident.

Yet, those who crucified Jesus had free will. They took Jesus and crucified him themselves—”You crucified and killed.” God did not force them to crucify Jesus.

God raised him from the dead. God raised him up and loosed the pangs of death. It was impossible for Jesus to be held by death, because David had prophesied that he would not. David had said that his soul would not be abandoned. David had said that the Holy One would not see corruption. God kept his promise!

What God Did Through Jesus in Heaven, vv 29-36

God did not exalt David.

David had spoken of exaltation, but Peter makes clear it was not David’s own exaltation. David is dead and buried—Peter said they even knew where his grave was. David was a prophet. God had promised David that one of his descendants would be greatly exalted. David foresaw the resurrection and subsequent glory of Jesus.

God exalted Jesus.

God raised him from the dead. God did not raise Jesus in a dark corner. Peter said that he and the other apostles were witnesses.

God exalted Jesus to his right hand. The right hand was a symbol of power. God exalted Jesus and gave him a position of power over the rest of the universe.

God gave Jesus the promise of the Holy Spirit. God kept his promise and gave the Holy Spirit to Jesus. Jesus in turn poured out the Spirit on his apostles.

God testified of this through David. David did not ascend into heaven. He spoke of the Christ.

God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.

As Lord Jesus is above all things. “Lord” was the common designation for God in the Greek Old Testament. Peter is claiming that Jesus is divine. But, it’s more than divinity—Jesus is above all things. Jesus needs to be Lord of our lives—he needs to make our decisions.

God has also made Jesus the Christ. Jesus is God’s Anointed One. He is the promised Messiah.


The Jews took this Jesus and crucified him. This cut them to their very heart. In desperation, they asked Peter and the others, “What shall we do?”

Peter replied, “Repent, and be baptized for the remission of your sins.” Repentance means to turn from sin and turn to Jesus.

Baptism then follows. It is immersion in water (that’s what the word “baptism” means). It is “for the remission of sins”–to have one’s sins forgiven. Jesus said his blood was poured out for many “for the forgiveness of sins” (Matt. 26:28). If baptism is administered because one is already saved, Jesus died because we were already saved. It is “in the name of Jesus Christ”-by his authority.

This sermon was originally preached by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr., at the Owingsville church of Christ in Owingsville, Kentucky.

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