Preach the Word (2 Timothy 4:1-5)
What gave Paul the right to give Timothy a charge?
What might be the significance that Paul gives this charge in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus? Why does Paul charge Timothy in the presence of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead? Why does Paul charge Timothy in light of Jesus’ appearing? Why does Paul charge Timothy in light of Jesus’ kingdom?
Why does Timothy need to preach the word? What is involved in preaching the word? What are some of the best ways to preach the word?
How could Timothy best be ready in season and out of season?
Why did Timothy need to reprove? How does one go about properly reproving? For what things does one need reproving?
Why did Timothy need to rebuke? How does one go about properly rebuking? For what things does one need rebuking?
Why did Timothy need to exhort? How does one go about properly exhorting? When do people need the most exhortation?
Why did Timothy need to use complete patience and teaching? How does the preacher demonstrate patience? How does the preacher best teach?
Why do some people not endure sound teaching? What is sound teaching? How do you know if you might be in danger of not enduring sound teaching?
What are itching ears? Why do some people have itching ears? Do you believe there’s any way to help those who have itching ears?
- Why or why not?
- What might be done to help them?
Where do people find teachers to suit their own passions? Why do they find teachers for their own passions? What are their own passions?
Why do people sometimes not like to hear the truth?
What are some of the myths into which people wander when they leave the truth?
Why did Timothy need to be sober-minded? What are some of the characteristics of a sober-minded person? How can someone become sober-minded?
Why did Timothy need to endure suffering?
Why did Timothy need to do the work of an evangelist? What is the work of an evangelist? What steps do modern evangelists need to take to do their work?
Why did Timothy need to fulfill his ministry? What was his ministry? What steps do modern Christians need to take to fulfill their ministries?