Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:8-19)
In this section, Paul emphasizes not being ashamed. Notice verses 8, 12, and 16. Why would Paul need to write about being unashamed?
Why might Timothy be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord? What is the testimony of the Lord? Might there be a tendency among us to be ashamed of the testimony about the Lord? How might we overcome this shame?
Why might Timothy be ashamed of Paul, the Lord’s prisoner? From the context of this book, Paul’s imprisonment here is clearly a different imprisonment than is discussed elsewhere in Scripture. What might have led to this imprisonment? In what way(s) might Paul have been a prisoner of the Lord?
Why did Timothy need to share in suffering for the gospel? How might Timothy have shared in the suffering for the gospel? How might we share in the suffering for the gospel?
- Is there much suffering for the gospel in today’s world?
- Do you think the need to suffer for the gospel will increase in coming years? Why or why not?
In what way(s) can one suffer for the gospel “by the power of God?”
From what did God save us? Why would God wish to save us? What did God need to do in order to save us? What must we do in order to be saved?
God called us to a holy calling. How did God call us? How is our calling holy?
Why could God not call us because of our own works? What makes our works unworthy of salvation? What makes even our good works unworthy of salvation?
What is God’s own purpose in saving us?
How did God extend his grace to us?
In what way(s) did God give us his purpose and grace in Christ Jesus? How was this purpose and grace given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began? How was this purpose and grace manifested through the appearing of Christ Jesus?
What hope do we have that Jesus abolished death? In what way(s) did Jesus abolish death? What are some examples from the Gospels where Jesus demonstrated his power over death?
What is the difference between life and immortality? How did Jesus bring life to light through the gospel? How did Jesus bring immortality to light through the gospel?
In what way(s) was Paul “appointed” a preacher and apostle and teacher? Are people today appointed to carry forth God’s message? What is the function of a preacher?
- How did Paul fulfill the function of a preacher?
- How can people today fulfill the function of a preacher?
What is the function of an apostle?
- How did Paul fulfill the function of an apostle?
- Although no one can be an apostle today (see Acts 1:21-22 for the qualifications of an apostle), can one fulfill at least some of the roles an apostle had?
What is the function of a teacher?
- How did Paul fulfill the function of a teacher?
- How can people today fulfill the function of a teacher?
In what way(s) did Paul suffer? Do we really know what it’s like to suffer for our faith? Why or why not? Would Paul have had any reason to be ashamed for his suffering? Why did so many suffer for their faith in the first century?
- Why do you think many of us do not suffer greatly for our faith today?
- Might there be benefits to suffering for our faith? What might some of those benefits be?
Paul said he was not ashamed. Why did he say he was not ashamed? What are some reasons he might have had from a fleshly point of view to be ashamed?
Paul knew whom he had believed. Whom had he believed? What promises had Paul received that he believed? Why did Paul believe these promises?
What had been entrusted to Paul? Why did Paul believe the Lord could guard that trust “until that Day?” Why did Paul need his trust to be guarded?
How important is it to have a pattern to follow? What would have been the “pattern of the sound words” that Timothy had heard from Paul? What made Paul a good pattern for Timothy? What were Paul’s sound words?
Why are faith and love in Christ Jesus?
The Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian. Many Christians have debated how he dwells in us for years. How do you believe the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian? Why? How important an issue do you think that is?
How would the Holy Spirit help Timothy guard the good deposit entrusted to him? What was the good deposit entrusted to Timothy? What made this deposit “good?” When did Timothy receive this deposit?
Why would “all who [were] in Asia” turn away from Paul? How did Paul need their help? What kind of support can Christians give each other?
Any idea about why Paul may have singled out Phygelus and Hermogenes for special mention?
If Onesiphorus searched for Paul in Rome, why would Paul ask for the Lord’s mercy upon his household? In what way(s) might Onesiphorus have refreshed Paul? Why would Onesiphorus not be ashamed of Paul’s chains? Are we to think that Onesiphorus did not know where Paul was being held in Rome? If Paul prayed that Onesiphorus might receive mercy from the Lord because he had helped Paul in Rome, does Paul imply that salvation might be based on works instead of grace?