The Roles of Husbands and Wives
It is a common fact of life that we live in a society where it generally takes two paychecks to make it. Therefore, we need to think about dividing household tasks.
Here are some tips for managing the stress that a dual-earner marriage creates.
- Wake-up time.
- Get to bed earlier and get up earlier.
- Get ready before waking others.
- Have children make their own lunches.
- Coordinate and share morning tasks with your spouse.
- Take time for breakfast.
- Reward yourself for arriving at work on time.
- After work/dinner time.
- Transition with a change of clothes.
- Take time to listen and debrief about each other’s day.
- Prepare meals together.
- Sit down for dinner together at the table.
- Allow each other some time alone.
- Share clean up of the dishes and the house.
- Make the next day’s lunches.
- Cleanup/bedtime.
- Stick with an agreed TV cut-off time.
- Do a few maintenance chores daily (bills, dusting, etc.).
- Arrange items that you need to access in the morning in a familiar place.
- Plan and lay out what to wear tomorrow.
This course was originally taught by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr. at Ohio Valley University.