Conflict Resolution Worksheet
I use language that wouldn’t put a person on the defensive, such as telling my feelings rather than blaming or accusing.
- ___________ I’m really good at this!
- ___________ I’m okay at this.
- ___________ I really need to work on this!
I am not immediately defensive when my spouse brings up an issue or problem.
- ___________ I’m really good at this!
- ___________ I’m okay at this.
- ___________ I really need to work on this!
I speak kindly to my souse (no sarcasm or name-calling).
- ___________ I’m really good at this!
- ___________ I’m okay at this.
- ___________ I really need to work on this!
I will apologize.
- ___________ I’m really good at this!
- ___________ I’m okay at this.
- ___________ I really need to work on this!
I take time to listen to what my spouse is saying. (I’m not just thinking about what I’m going to say next while he or she is talking).
- ___________ I’m really good at this!
- ___________ I’m okay at this.
- ___________ I really need to work on this!
I stay engaged with my spouse and don’t just shut down and not try to talk things out.
- ___________ I’m really good at this!
- ___________ I’m okay at this.
- ___________ I really need to work on this!
This course was originally taught by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr. at Ohio Valley University.