Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17)
How did Jesus love “his own” “to the end”? Who were/are Jesus’ “own”?
What might be the significance of the fact that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet after the devil had already put it into Judas’ heart to betray Him?
How had the Father given “all things” into Jesus’ hands?
How had Jesus come from God?
In what way was Jesus “going to God”?
Wonder why no disciple volunteered to wash the feet of those at the meal?
Why did Jesus say to Peter, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this”? (v 7) How could Peter not understand in the moment but understand later?
Why would Peter not want Jesus to wash his feet?
How could Peter have no part with Jesus if the Lord did not wash his feet?
How were the disciples clean? Note: the “you” is plural.
How was Jesus the Teacher and Lord of the disciples?
In what way(s) should we wash one another’s feet?
Why did Jesus give the disciples an example?
How would the disciples be blessed if they did these things? How will we be blessed if we do these things?